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Refereed publications

[1.] "Shocks and Technology Adoption: Evidence from Electronic Payment Systems," with Apoorv Gupta and Filippo Mezzanotti.
Journal of Political Economy, 131 (11): 2969-3265, November 2023.
[Abstract] [Slides] [Online Appendix] [Replication material]

[2.] "Rents and Intangible Capital: a Q+ Framework," with Janice Eberly.
Journal of Finance, 78 (4): 1873-1916, August 2023.
Dimensional Fund Advisors Prize for best capital markets paper published in the Journal of Finance in 2023 (first prize).
[Abstract] [Slides] [Online Appendix]

[3.] "Intangibles, Markups, and the Measurement of Productivity Growth," with Janice Eberly.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 124: S92-S101, November 2021.
[Abstract] [Slides] [Online appendix] [Replication material]

[4.] "Credit Disintermediation and Monetary Policy."
IMF Economic Review, 69 (1): 1-67, March 2021.
[Abstract] [Slides] [Replication material]

[5.] "Small and Large Firms Over the Business Cycle," with Neil Mehrotra.
American Economic Review, 110 (11): 3549-3601, November 2020.
[Abstract] [Online appendix] [Replication material]

[6.] "On the Effects of Restricting Short-Term Investment," with Ian Dew-Becker and Charles Nathanson.
Review of Financial Studies, 33 (1): 1-43, January 2020. Lead article and editor's choice.
[Abstract] [Online appendix]

[7.] "Aggregate Implications of Corporate Debt Choices."
Review of Economic Studies, 85 (3): 1635-1682, July 2018.
[Abstract] [Online appendix] [Replication material]

[8.] "What Do Inventories Tell Us About News-Driven Business Cycles?," with Hyunseung Oh.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 79: 49-66, May 2016.
[Abstract] [Online appendix] [Replication material]

Non-refereed publications

[9.] "The Economics of Intangible Capital," with Janice Eberly, Andrea Eisfeldt, and Dimitris Papanikolaou.
Journal of Economic Perspectives. 36 (3): 29-52, Summer 2022.

[10.] "Understanding Weak Capital Investment: the Role of Market Concentration and Intangibles," with Janice Eberly.
Proceedings of the 2018 Jackson Hole symposium, 87-148, May 2019.
[Abstract] [Published version] [Online appendix] [Replication material]

[11.] "Intangibles, Investment and Efficiency," with Janice Eberly.
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 108: 426-431, May 2018.
[Abstract] [Online appendix] [Replication material]

Working papers

[12.] "Debt Flexibility" with Rhys Bidder, Maggie Jacobson, and Michael Siemer. December 2024.
[Abstract] [Slides]

[13.] "Demographics and Technology Diffusion: Evidence from Mobile Payments" with Pulak Ghosh, Apoorv Gupta and Filippo Mezzanotti. December 2024.
[Abstract] [Slides]

[14.] "Intangible Capital, Firm Scope, and Growth" with Janice Eberly, Andrea Eisfeldt, and Dimitris Papanikolaou. September 2024.
Previously titled "Intangible Capital, Non-rivalry, and Growth".
[Abstract] [Slides]

[15.] "A Model of Intangible Capital," with Janice Eberly, Andrea Eisfeldt, and Dimitris Papanikolaou. August 2022. Companion paper to "The Economics of Intangible Capital".

[16.] "Can the Cure Kill the Patient? Corporate Credit Interventions and Debt Overhang," with Fabrice Tourre. June 2021.
Revise and resubmit (first round), Journal of Finance.
[Abstract] [Slides]

[17.] "Default, Debt Maturity, and Investment Dynamics." December 2017.

Other writing

[18.] "Financing and Valuation of Intangible Assets," with Yueran Ma. December 2023.
Prepared for the November 2023 meeting of the working group on IP finance of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
[Abstract] [Slides]

Work in progress

"Private Ownership, Capital Structure, and Investment," with Neil Mehrotra and Pascal Paul.

"The Non-Bank Credit Channel," with Olivier Darmouni. Draft available upon request.