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"Data and Markups: A Macro-Finance Perspective," by Eeckhout and Veldkamp.
NBER EFG Summer Meeting, 2024 .

"Growth through Innovation Bursts," by De Ridder and Lashkari.
Conference on the Economics of Innovation in Memory of Zvi Griliches, 2024 .

"A New Theory of Credit Lines (with Evidence)," by Donaldson, Koont, Piancentino and Vanasco.
Kentucky Finance Conference, 2024 .

"Process Intangibles and Agency Conflicts," by Chen, Kakhbod, Kazemi, and Xing.
AFA Meetings, 2024 .

"Good Rents versus Bad Rents: R&D Misallocation and Growth," by Aghion, Bergeaud, Boppart, Klenow, and Li.
NBER EFG Fall Meeting, 2023.

"Investment when New Capital is Hard to Find," by Darmouni and Sutherland.
UNC/Duke Corporate Finance conference, 2023.

"Strategic Complementarities in a Dynamic Model of Technology Adoption," by Alvarez, Argente, Lippi, Mendez, and van Patten.
NBER EFG Winter Meeting, 2023.

"Cross-Sectional Financial Conditions, Business Cycles and The Lending Channel," by Ferreira.
NBER Capital Markets Summer Meeting, 2022.

"The Ownership Structure of US corporations," by Lewellen and Lewellen.
Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2022.

"Firm Quality Dynamics and the Slippery Slope of Credit Intervention," by Li and Li.
Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2022.

"Changing Market Structure: the Role of Market Power and Intangibles."
Advancing Macro-Finance Conference, Becker Friedman Institute, 2021.

"Bond Finance, Bank Finance, and Bank Regulation," by Huang.
China International Conference in Finance, 2021.

"Firm-bank linkages and optimal monetary policy in a lockdown," by Segura and Villacorta.
Financial Intermediation Research Society Meetings, 2021.

"Knowledge Cycles and Corporate Investment," by Bustamante, Cujean, and Frésard.
Society for Financial Studies Cavalcade, 2021.

"Monetary Surprises, Debt Structure, and Credit Misallocation," by Chen.
Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2021.

"Volatility and Financial Structure of Firms," by Dinlersoz, Kalemli-Ozcam, Penciakova and Quadrini.
American Economic Association Meetings, 2021.

"Financing Corporate Growth," by Frank and Sanati.
Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2020.
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"How EU Markets Became More Competitive Than US Markets: A Study of Institutional Drift," by Gutierrez and Philippon.
NBER Economic Fluctuations and Growth Winter Meeting, 2020.
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"The Rise of Star Firms: Intangible Capital and Competition," by Ayyagari, Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic.
American Economic Association Meetings, 2020.
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"Time Inconsistency and Financial Covenants," by Xiang.
Western Finance Association Meetings, 2019.

"On the Cost of Financial Intermediation," by De Nicolo, Presbitero, Rebucci, and Zhang.
2nd IMF Macro-Finance Conference, 2019.

"Q: Risks, Rents or Growth?," by Corhay, Kung and Schmid.
8th ITAM Finance Conference, 2019.

"News Shocks and Asset Prices," by Bretscher, Malkhozov and Tamoni.
Financial Intermediation Research Society Meetings, 2019.

"Borrowing to Save and Investment Dynamics," by Xiao.
NBER Monetary Economics Fall Meeting, 2018.

"Leverage Over the Life-Cycle and Implications for Firm Growth and Shock Responsiveness," by Dinlersoz, Kalemli-Ozcan, Hyatt and Penciakova.
NBER Capital Markets Summer Meeting, 2018.
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"Demand Disagreement," by Heyerdahl-Larsen and Illedistch.
HEC-McGill Winter Finance Conference, 2018.
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"The Finance-Uncertainty Multiplier," by Alfaro, Bloom and Lin.
Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2017.
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"Government Guarantees and Bank Liquidity Creation," by Berger, Li, and Saherudding.
Northern Finance Association Meetings, 2017.

"The Interplay Between Financial Conditions and Monetary Policy Shocks," by Bassetto, Benzoni and Serrao.
Midwest Finance Association Meetings, 2017.
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