Professor Mihir N. Mehta is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Accounting at Kellogg. He is on leave from the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan where he is the Ernst & Young Faculty Fellow and an Assistant Professor of Accounting. Mehta received his PhD in Management from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Professor Mehta’s research focuses on two areas. The first is in political economics, and in particular, the impact of frictions in the U.S. political system on markets and organizations. The primary focus of his research is to investigate the quality and limitations of governance and control systems that are designed to alleviate agency problems in the political process, as they relate to organizations.
Another stream of his research examines the usefulness of information spillovers. Mehta’s research in this area examines spillovers in a diverse range of contexts, including: (1) the completeness of regulations against insider trading; (2) the role of humans in lending decisions, given the extensive use of artificial intelligence in lending markets; and (3) the benefits of different specialization structures in organizations.
His research has been presented at leading universities and at academic conferences across accounting, finance, and political economics. His papers have been published or are forthcoming in Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, and Contemporary Accounting Research and cited in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Yahoo! Finance, and L’Echo. He is a business news contributor on WILS 1320 News Radio.
Before academia, he worked at Ernst & Young LLP in Sydney, Australia. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter, and playing golf (poorly).