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Recent Scholarly Research

Our faculty are recognized for their insightful analyses and their ability to push the frontier of thought within their respective academic disciplines and professions. Explore research published by Kellogg Faculty and featured in top-tier peer reviewed journals.
DATE Title Author Type
2025 Marketing Management 17th Edition Philip Kotler, Kevin Keller, Alexander Chernev Book
2024 The psychology of social robots and artificial intelligence Kurt Gray, K.C. Yam, A.E. Zhen'An, Danica Wilbanks, Adam Waytz Book Chapter
2024 Reckoning with a racist past: Black and White Americans’ subjective temporal distance from past racism predicts denial of present-day racism. Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador, Serena Does, Margaret Shih Working Paper
2024 Scooped! Estimating Rewards for Priority in Science Ryan Hill, Carolyn Stein Working Paper
2024 Online Appendix for Disentangling Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection, American Economic Review Jeroen Swinkels, Henrique Castro-Pires, Hector Chade Article
2024 "Beyond the Balance Sheet Model of Banking: Implications for Bank Regulation and Monetary Policy", Journal of Political Economy Gregor Matvos, Greg Buchak, Tomasz Piskorski, Amit Seru Article
2024 Partisan Disparities in the Use of Science in Policy Alexander Furnas, Timothy LaPira, Dashun Wang Working Paper
2024 Large Sample Estimators of the Stochastic Discount Factor, Journal of Financial Econometrics Robert Korajczyk, Soohun Kim Article
2024 Is Sustainability a Liability? Green Marketing and Consumer Beliefs about Eco-Friendly Products Alexander Chernev, Sean Blair, Ulf Bockenholt Working Paper
2024 Technological Adoption and Taxation: The Case of China’s Golden Tax Reform, NBER Tax Policy and the Economy Nancy Qian, Jaya Wen, Liu Yu Article
2024 Asymmetric Information in Matching Markets: Evidence from Medical School Programs in Denmark Benjamin Friedrich, Martin Hackmann, Anne Brink Nandrup, Adam Kapor, Sofia Moroni Working Paper
2024 Semi-strong factors in asset returns, Journal of Financial Econometrics Gregory Connor, Robert Korajczyk Article
2024 Diversity in Schools: Immigrants and the Educational Performance of U.S. Born Students, Review of Economic Studies Paola Sapienza, Riccardo Marchingiglio, Paola Giuliano, David Figlio, Umut Ozek Article
2024 Using Price Promotions to Drive Children’s Healthy Choices in a Dev, Journal of Marketing Research Michal Maimaran, Szu-chi Huang, Daniella Kupor Article
2024 Subversive Conversations Nemanja Antic, Rick Harbaugh, Archishman Chakraborty Working Paper
2024 The Macroeconomics of Supply Chain Disruptions, Review of Economic Studies Daron Acemoglu, Alireza Tahbaz-Salehi Article
2024 Rationing through Classification James Schummer, Edwin Munoz Rodriguez Working Paper
2024 Dollar Safety and the Global Financial Cycle, review of economic studies Zhengyang Jiang, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Hanno Lustig Article
2024 Expertise and Specialization: Evidence from the U.S. Commercial Lending Market Jose Maria Liberti, Andrew Sutherland, Jason Sturgess Working Paper
2024 The Polarizing Effect of Trump's Rallies on "Made in America" Consumption Quoc-Anh Do, Joao Granja, Sara Moreira, Kieu-Trang Nguyen Working Paper