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179 Proportional Solutions to Bargaining Situations : Interpersonal Utility Comparisons
Ehud Kalai, Revised March 1977.
In Econometrica, Vol. 45, No. 7, 1977, pp. 1623-1630.

191 An Admissible Set Occurring in Various Bargaining Situations
E. Kalai and D. Schmeidler, December 1975.
In Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 403-411,1977.

202 Aggregation Procedure for Cardinal Preferences: A Formulation and
Proof of Samuelson's Impossibility Conjecture

Ehud Kalai and David Schmeidler, February 1976.
In Econometrica, Vol. 45, 1977, pp. 1431-1477.

215 Arbitration of Two-Party Disputes under Ignorance
Ehud Kalai and Robert W. Rosenthal, April 1976.
In International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 65-72.

234 Characterization of Domains Admitting Nondictatorial Social Welfare Functions and Nonmanipulable Voting Procedures
Ehud Kalai and Eitan Muller, August 1976.
In Journal of Economic Theory, December 1977, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp.457-467.

236 Social Welfare Functions when Preferences are Convex and Continuous: Impossibility Results
Ehud Kalai, Eitan Muller and Mark Satterthwaite, Revised August June 1976.
In Public Choice, Vol. 34, 1979, pp. 87-97.

267 Values of Games without Side Payments
Ehud Kalai and Roger Myerson, January 1977.

272 Linear Functionals of Convex Sets with Applications to Economics, Game Theory and Social Choice
Ehud Kalai and Roger Myerson, February 1977.

280 A Simple Game of Exchange
Ehud Kalai and John Roberts, April 1977.
In Applied Game Theory, Brams, Schlotter and Schwodianer (eds), Physica Verlag, 1989.
As "Arbitration of Exchange Situations with Public Goods," by Kalai, Roberts and Andrew Postlewaite.

302 A Game of Barter with Barriers to Trade
Ehud Kalai, Andrew Postlewaite and John Roberts, September 1977.
In Journal of Economic Theory Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 200-209.
As "Barriers to Trade and Disadvantageous Middleman : Nonmonotonicity of the Cone."

325 An Extended Single Peak Condition in Social Choice
Ehud Kalai and Zvi Ritz, May 1978, Revised into DP #341.

329 A Group Incentive Compatible Mechanism Yielding Core Allocation
Ehud Kalai, Andrew Postlewaite and John Roberts, May 1978.
In Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 13-22.

341 Characterization of the Private Alternative Domains Admitting Arrow Social Welfare Functions
Kalai and Ritz, Revised January 1979.
In Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1980, pp. 23-36.

361 Path Independent Choices
Ehud Kalai and Nimrod Megiddo, December 1978.
In Econometrica, Vol. 48, (3), 1980, pp. 781-784.

413 On Totally Balanced Games and Games of Flow
Ehud Kalai and Eitan Zemel, January 1980.
In Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 7, (3), 1982.

421 Preplay Negotiations and the Prisoner's Dilemma
Ehud Kalai, April 1980.
In Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 1, 1981, pp. 375-379.

425 Generalized Network Problems yielding Totally Balanced Games
Ehud Kalai and Eitan Zemel, June 1980.
In Operations Research, Vol. 30, (4), 1982, pp. 998-1008.

479 Contracts, Consensus and Group Decisions
Ehud Kalai, June 1981.

515 Persistent Equilibria in Strategic Games
Ehud Kalai and Dov Samet, January 1982.
In International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 13, (3), 1984, pp. 129-144.

525 Duopoly, Conjectural Variations and Supergames
Ehud Kalai and William Stanford, May 1982. Revised into DP #575.

546 Unanimity Games and Pareto Optimality
Ehud Kalai and Dov Samet, January 1983.
In International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 14, (1), 1985, pp. 41-50.

556 Solutions to the Bargaining Problem
Ehud Kalai, March 1983.
In Social Goals and Social Organization: Essays in Memory of Elisha Pazner,
Hurwicz, Schmeidler and Sonnenchein (eds.) Cambridge University Press, 1985, pp. 77-105.

567 Monotonic Solutions to General Cooperative Games
Ehud Kalai and Dov Samet, August 1983.
In Econometrica, Vol. 53, (2) 1985, pp. 307-327.

575 Conjectural Variations Strategies in Dynamic Cournot Games with Fast Reactions
Ehud Kalai and William Stanford, September 1983. Revised from DP #525.
In International Journal of Industrial Organization, Vol. 3, 1985, pp. 133-152.
As "Conjectural Variations Strategies in Accelerated Cournot Games."

602 On Weighted Shapley Values
Ehud Kalai and Dov Samet, May 1984.
In International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 16, (3) 1987, pp. 205-222.

676 Strategic Behavior and Competition: An Overview
Ehud Kalai, February 1986.
In Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 39, (1), 1986, pp.1-13.

677 The Kinked Demand Curve, Facilitating Practices and Oligopolistic Competition
Ehud Kalai and Mark A. Satterthwaite, February 1986.
In Imperfections and Behavior in Economic Organizations, R.P. Gilles and P.H.M. Ruys (eds)
Kluwer Academic Publishing.

679 Finite Rationality and Interpersonal Complexity in Repeated Games
Ehud Kalai and William Stanford, April 1986.
In Econometrica, Vol. 56, No. 2, 1988, pp. 387-410.

680 Are Bayesian-Nash Incentives and Implementations Perfect?
Ehud Kalai and Dov Samet, May 1986.
In Rational Interaction, Essays in Honor of John Harsanyi, Reinhard Saltan (ed), Springer-Verlag,
1992, pp. 97-119. As "Type Decomposition and Perfect Implementation," in

731 Cooperation Through Delegation
Chaim Fershtman, Kenneth Judd and Ehud Kalai, February 1987. Revised as DP #879.
In International Economic Review, 32(3), 1991, pp. 551-559.

783 Bounded Rationality and Strategic Complexity in Repeated Games
Ehud Kalai, Revised June 1988.
In In Game Theory and Applications, eds. Ichiishi, Neyman and Tauman, San Diego:
Academic Press, 1990, 131-157.

789 On the Order of Eliminating Dominated Strategies
Itzhak Gilboa, Ehud Kalai and Eitan Zemel, August 1988.
In Operation Research Letters, Vol. 9, 1990, pp. 85-89.

853 The Complexity of Eliminating Dominated Strategies
Itzhak Gilboa, Ehud Kalai and Eitan Zemel, September 1989.
In Mathematics of Operations Research, 18, No. 3, 1993, pp. 553-565.

858 The Strength of a Little Perfection
Ehud Kalai and Alejandro Neme, Rrevised September 1989,
In International Journal of Game Theory, 20 (4), 1992, 335-355.

879 Observable Contracts : Strategic Delegation and Cooperation
Chaim Fershtman, Kenneth L. Judd and Ehud Kalai, Revised March 1990. Revised from DP #731.
In International Economic Review, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 551-559, 1991.

895 Rational Learning Leads to Nash Equilibrium
Ehud Kalai and E. Lehrer, March 1990.
In Econometrica Vol. 61, No. 5, 1993, pp. 1019-1045.

901 Optimal Service Speeds in a Competitive Environment
Ehud Kalai, Morton Kamien and Michael Rubinovitch, September 1990.
In Management Science, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1992, pp. 1154-1163.

919 Dividing a Cake by Majority : The Simplest Equilibria
David Baron and Ehud Kalai, September 1990.
In Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 61, No. 2, pp. 290-301, 1993.
As "The Simplest Equilibria of a Majority Division Game."

925 Rational Learning Leads to Nash Equilibrium
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, Revised January 1993.
In Econometrica, Vol 61, No. 5, 1993, pp. 1019-1045.

926 Private Beliefs Equilibrium
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, January 1991.
In Econometrica as DP#981.

981 Subjective Equilibrium in Repeated Games
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, Revised January 1993. Revised from DP #926.
In Econometrica, Vol. 61, No. 5, 1993, pp. 1231-1240.

983 Weak and Strong Merging of Opinions
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, Revised January 1993.
In Journal of Mathematical Economics, Vol 23, 1994, pp. 73-86.

998 Bayesian Forecasting
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, July 1992.

1035 Merging Economic Froecasts
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, Revised February 1993.

1043 Unobserved Delegation
Chaim Fershtman and Ehud Kalai, April 1993.
In International Economic Review, 38, No. 4, 1997, 763-774.

1077 Subjective Games and Equilibria
Ehud Kalai and Ehud Lehrer, August 1993.
In Games and Economic Behavior, 8. No. 1, 1995, 123-163.

1138 Social Learning in Recurring Games
Matthew Jackson and Ehud Kalai, Revised Jan 1997,
In Games and Economic Behavior, vol 21, 1997, pp 354-376.

1141 Games, Computers, and O.R.
Ehud Kalai, October 1995.
In Proceedings of the Seventh Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1996, 468-473.

1144 Calibrated Forecasting and Merging
Ehud Kalai, Ehud Lehrer, and Rann Smorodinsky, Revised August 1996.
In Games and Economic Behavior, 29, No 1/2, 1999, 151-159.

1151 Recurring Bullies, Trembling and Learning
Matthew Jackson and Ehud Kalai, April 1995.
In Understanding Strategic Interaction: Essays in Honor of Reinhand Selten, Albers, Guth,
Hammerstein, Moldovano, Van Damne eds, Springerzu, 1996.

1177 Patterns, Types and Bayesian Learning
Matthew O. Jackson, Ehud Kalai, and Rann Smorodinsky, January 1997. Revised as DP #1228.

1184 False Reputation in a Society of Players
Matthew O. Jackson and Ehud Kalai, March 1997.
In Journal of Economic Theory, 88, No. 1, 1999, 40-59. As "Reputation versus social learning."

1205 Repeated Implementation
Ehud Kalai and John O. Ledyard, Revised March 1998.
In Journal of Economic Theory, 83, No. 2, 1998, 308-317.

1228 Bayesian Representation of Stochastic Processes under Learning: de Finetti Revisited
Matthew O. Jackson, Ehud Kalai, and Rann Smorodinsky, Revised May 1998.
In Econometrica, 67, No. 4, 1999, 875-794.

1266 Strategic Polarization
Adam Kalai and Ehud Kalai, July 1999.
In Journal of Mathematical Psychology.

1283 Randomization and Simplification
Ehud Kalai and Eilon Solan, January 2000.
In Journal of Economic Theory.

1312 Private Information in Large Games
Ehud Kalai, November 2000.

1350 Large Robust Games
Ehud Kalai, March 2002.

1351 Ex-Post Stability in Large Games
Ehud Kalai, September 2001.


Curriculum Vitae
Center for Strategic Decision Making
Games and Economic Behavior
Game Theory Society
Professor Kalai's Kellogg Page