It’s almost March?
As we head into our final weeks of winter quarter, it is hard to believe that in a few days, it will already be March. The first two quarters at Kellogg have flown by, and for first years, corporate presentations, career management seminars and constant conversations about what new career to pursue dominated our schedules. At times, the halls of Jacobs were filled with anxiety and stress as we juggled a full course load and the pressure of finding a summer internship.
However, with on-campus recruitment nearing its end, I can feel excitement and relief start to replace the anxiety and stress; summer internship offer letters are being signed, and spring break is just around the corner. Not only that, but after a very successful Day at Kellogg weekend behind us, we are all reminded that our time at Kellogg is short, and in just a few months, the Class of 2014 will be solidified and making their plans to move to Evanston. There is just one quarter left before we break for summer and say our goodbyes to the Class of 2012. I think that I am not alone when I say that my goal for spring quarter is to take more time to relax, enjoy friends and look forward to a summer of exploring a new career.