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A Kellogg MBA will transform your career. Our rigorous academic programming, unmatched faculty and global network of Kellogg Leaders have been providing opportunities for tremendous professional growth to our graduates for over a century.

Our part-time Evening & Weekend MBA students are gaining this same actionable growth in ways that work for them. They’re choosing the course loads, schedules and focus areas that will push them to the next level of their careers. You can join them to take control of your future.

To get there, however, you need to apply. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Decide which program is right for you.

A Kellogg MBA is a prestigious one, and there are multiple routes to get it. You can join the Evening & Weekend MBA Program at a traditional or accelerated pace. You can take courses in the evenings, during the day, or on the weekends. You can decide on the run of electives that best fit your purpose and path.

No student is the same, and no journey to Kellogg leadership is the same. In addition to our part-time Evening & Weekend MBA program, we also have Full-Time and Executive MBA programs. We encourage you to carefully consider which academic road is best for you. If you aren’t yet decided, you can request more information on our programs.

Step 2: Collect all your materials.

To apply, you’re going to need to submit your responses to the application form, essays, transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, and resume. The admissions team will consider each of those items, along with your professional experience and interview report. Collect these application requirements ahead of time to ensure a smooth process.

We won’t leave you in the dark when it comes to these essential items. To ensure you have built the most effective resume, you can schedule a resume review with one of our team members.

Step 3: Connect with us.

Explaining the Kellogg experience doesn’t do it justice, but it’s easy to feel. Our community is a committed group of thoughtful, engaged, and analytical business leaders. They support one another on their paths to success in and out of the classroom. 

Our admissions team is available to support you through this journey, from conversations about program fit to on-campus visits. Kellogg Leaders are changing the world and each other — and you can be one of them.

Find out more by scheduling an appointment with an admissions officer or attending an admissions event.

Step 4: Write your essays.

You’ll need to complete two essays to apply, covering topics that demonstrate your leadership skills, problem-solving abilities and dedication to diversity. You’ll have the chance to convey your values, what you expect your contribution might be to Kellogg and so much more. These essays give you the opportunity to speak directly to our admissions team, and tell the story of who you truly are. 

If you’d like a bit more guidance, read tips from current and past Kellogg students on crafting your story.

Our best advice: Be yourself, share professional and personal examples, and cover a balanced view of you as an applicant.

Step 5: Compile your recommendations.

Our admissions team requires two letters of recommendation — and these are a chance to demonstrate what others appreciate about you in the workplace.

The first letter should come from a current supervisor, and the second should come from someone who can evaluate your leadership performance. Both writers will need to explain how you have lived the value of diversity, your comparative professional performance, a piece of constructive criticism they have shared with you and any additional information that would be helpful.

One tip: Choose recommenders who know you well and ask them early. This will give your recommenders enough time to write a thoughtful, detailed letter.

Step 6: Submit your application.

Once you’ve compiled your documents, reviewed your resume, met with an admissions officer, written your essays and requested your recommendation letters, it’s time to submit your application.

Step 7: Prepare for your interview.
The process isn’t over after you click the submit button. You will likely be asked to interview with the admissions committee, so they can further evaluate your interpersonal and communication skills, career focus and motivations. These interviews are done virtually.
One tip: Be sure to have multiple professional examples at the ready to demonstrate your collaboration and teamwork. Watch the video below for more advice.

Interview tips

Step 8: Stay engaged.
You can make sure your application is complete and check its status online. Stay on top of your process, and expect to receive a decision within six to eight weeks of submission.

If you have more questions about the process, check out our guide or contact our admissions team.