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Based in San Francisco, Keyaira Lock ’23 MBA is a Zell Fellow and a graduate of the Two-Year MBA Program. Today, she is the director of entrepreneurship at The Garage SF at Northwestern (TGSF), serving NU founders, investors, and operators in the Bay Area. She also runs her own startup, Spice & Sage, a marketing consultancy for businesses in the nascent and fast-growing psychedelic medicine industry.

Although psychedelics are considered illegal under U.S. federal law, two states — Oregon and Colorado — have legalized specific psychedelics, and similar legislation is being considered in several other states, including Illinois. Last summer, the FDA cleared the way for further research into therapeutic uses of these compounds when it issued its first-ever draft guidance for psychedelic drug trials, citing their “initial promise as potential treatments” for some mental health disorders. 

Learn more about her journey as a founder.

By Keyaira Lock

In a world clamoring for success, where societal standards often silence the voice of our true selves, finding a moment of quietude to listen to our deepest truths isn't just necessary—it's revolutionary. Thus, amidst our relentless pursuit of achievements defined by external validations, we risk veering off our authentic paths, unaware of the dissonance between our inner selves and the personas we present to the world.

As I've discovered, this journey called life is not about reaching a destination, but about finding alignment between the soul's desires and the roles we play in the external world. It's a concept illuminated by the journeys of visionaries like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs, whose integration of spirituality into their professional lives has not only shaped their personal successes but has also redefined the paradigms of leadership and innovation. 

With this insight in mind, I proudly share my story as a beacon for anyone who feels lost in the cacophony of societal expectations and personal aspirations. There’s hope and it comes from within. 

From silence to self-discovery

Imagine, if you will, a vibrant theater kid, unafraid to fill a room with her voice, suddenly trapped in a silence so profound it threatened to erase her identity. That was me at the height of the chaos in 2020 — once a brand strategy leader in tech, now struggling with selective mutism amidst a world pivoted online and reckoning with systemic racism. The irony was not lost on me; the digital space, meant to connect us, became my arena of isolation.

The turning point came from an unexpected source disguised as a podcast that unveiled the healing potential of medicinal psychedelics. Driven by both desperation and curiosity, I attended a retreat to learn about plant medicine, led by a trained medical professional.

This journey transcended physical borders delving into the uncharted territories of my soul in a quest not just for the reclamation of my voice but for the essence of my being. In the embrace of ancient wisdom and deep introspection, I discovered the harmony between my inner world and outward expression — a profound alignment that would chart the course for my future endeavors.

Entrepreneur Keyaira Lock next to David Sack during an entrepreneurship event at Kellogg.
Lock and Dave Sack, associate dean of alumni relations and development, at a Zell Fellows' showcase in Israel, where fellows from various MBA Programs created posters to present their businesses.

Spice & Sage: The birth of a conscious creation

In the wake of this profound personal awakening, Spice & Sage was born, a conscious creation stemming from a desire to fuse my healing journey with a purpose beyond myself. As a cultural marketing consultancy, Spice & Sage stands at the intersection of ancient plant medicine wisdom and modern marketing research. It embodies my mission of  bringing culturally informed storytelling narratives to the forefront of the psychedelic industry. 

This venture, nurtured during my time as an esteemed Kellogg Zell Fellow, not only helped me earn the school’s 2023 Innovation Award, but it also affirmed the power of aligning one’s professional expertise with a deeply heartfelt mission. It wasn't just about filling a gap in the market; it was about pioneering a movement that mirrored my own authentic journey toward healing and self-discovery.

Inspiring conscious creations at The Garage in San Francisco 

Complementing my ongoing, mission-critical work at Spice & Sage, I’m honored to serve as the director of entrepreneurship at TGSF where my commitment to conscious creation continues to flourish. This synergistic alignment has enabled me to cultivate a collaborative entrepreneurial ecosystem for Northwestern and Kellogg founders, operators and investors while fostering community and innovation. 

I take tremendous pride in empowering alumni founders and underscoring the importance of aligning one’s inner values with their entrepreneurial ventures. Given that the entrepreneurial journey is often fraught with multifaceted challenges and disparities that can lead to dissatisfaction and burnout, I draw inspiration from Bob Proctor’s wisdom that success is predominantly a mindset to advocate for a holistic approach to success. This perspective to entrepreneurship — not just as a business endeavor but as a reflection of one's core identity — empowers individuals to manifest their visions with intention and emotion, thereby attracting the necessary energy and resources for meaningful success. 

 Keyaira Lock ’23 MBA participating in The Black Management Association Conference: Money and Power.
Lock moderated the “Elevation through Innovation” panel at last year's Black Management Association Conference, the longest running student-led conference at Kellogg. The panel welcomed Black creatives who are amplifying their cultural influence to help break through historical barriers.

Inspirational resources for the conscious creator

To those inspired to walk this path of alignment and conscious creation, I offer the following resources that have been instrumental in my journey:
A call to conscious creation

My story, from navigating the depths of silence to the creation of Spice & Sage and leading innovation at TGSF is a testament to a profound truth: the path to genuine success and meaningful innovation is paved with self-discovery and alignment. Thus, the clarity that comes from the internal understanding of the undesired, adverse things in our lives are the very things that inspire new creation. 

This journey has taught me that aligning our deepest selves with our professional pursuits empowers us to find our voice, inspire others and leave a tangible impact on the world. I urge you to embrace this path of discovery, infuse your ventures with your true essence and craft a legacy that transcends mere success to achieve true significance.

As we stand at the threshold of a new business era, let us commit to a vision where every creation is as conscious as it is impactful — one that is deeply rooted in the authenticity and purpose that defines us. Together, by nurturing a mindset that embraces creativity, we can align with our soul's purpose and remain open to the universe's guidance to consciously create the life — and businesses — we desire! 

The views represented in this article are the author’s own and not those of Northwestern University or Kellogg.

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