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Book Chapter
What Makes Tomorrows Gain Worth Todays Pain? Cognitive, Motivational, and Affective Influences in Self-control Dilemmas
Consumers pursuing long-term goals often face choices that trade off immediate pleasure for long term benefits. For example, consumers on a diet may have to choose between indulgent foods and healthier options, those on a budget between splurging on an impulse and saving for more essential items, and those committed to professional endeavors between fun and work. Although these choices pertain to different consumption domains, they similarly involve a self control dilemma for consumers to pursue their long-term health, savings, or professional goals consumers have to overcome the temptation to switch to momentary pleasures. In such situations, the way consumers frame these trade offs, their affective states, and their motivations can affect their final choices. In this chapter, we review findings involving such trade offs, posit that such choices require the exercise of self control. We summarize how consumer's accessible cognitions, motivations, and affective states may impact such choices.
Date Published:
Labroo, Aparna, Anastasiya Pocheptsova. 2017. What Makes Tomorrows Gain Worth Todays Pain? Cognitive, Motivational, and Affective Influences in Self-control Dilemmas.