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Journal Article
Due Date Scheduling: Asymptotic Optimality of Generalized Longest-Queue and Generalized Largest Delay Rules
Operations Research
Consider the following due-date scheduling problem in a multiclass, acyclic, single-station service system: any class k job arriving at time t must be served by its due date. Equivalently, its delay must not exceed a given delay or lead-time D_{k}. In a stochastic system the constraint must be interpreted in a probabilistic sense. Regardless of the precise probabilistic formulation, however, the associated optimal control problem is intractable with exact analysis. This article proposes a new formulation that incorporates the constraint through a sequence of convex-increasing delay cost functions. This formulation reduces the intractable optimal scheduling problem into one for which the Generalized (Gc rule) scheduling rule is known to be asymptotically optimal. The Gc rule simplifies here to a generalized longest queue (GLQ) or generalized largest delay (GLD) rule, which are defined as follows.
Date Published:
Van Mieghem, Jan A.. 2003. Due Date Scheduling: Asymptotic Optimality of Generalized Longest-Queue and Generalized Largest Delay Rules. Operations Research. (1)113-122.