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May 1, 2019

4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. CT

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Kellogg Global Hub White Auditorium

"Taking Incomplete Information Seriously: The Misunderstanding of John Harsanyi"
The Nancy L. Schwartz Memorial Lecture is held annually by the Kellogg Department of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences. Nancy Schwartz was the Morrison Professor of Decision Sciences, the Kellogg School's first woman faculty member appointed to an endowed chair. She joined Kellogg in 1970, chaired MEDS, and served as director of the school's doctoral program until her death in 1981.

This event will take place in White Auditorium at the Kellogg Global Hub, beginning with a reception at 4:30pm followed by the lecture at 5:30pm. 
Stephen Morris
Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics
Princeton University