My Kellogg Journey: Eternal Gratitude
In this series, the graduated Class of 2021 shares their reflections and milestones from their Kellogg experience. Class of 2021, we celebrate you!
By Paris Tsakalidis (1Y 2021)
Sixteen years ago, when I was 16 years old, I dreamed of studying in one of the best business schools in the United States. Today, that childhood dream became a reality.
I want to dedicate this degree to the memory of the late dean of my high school, Θ. Χασιώτη, the mentor who believed in me, before I ever did in myself, for his trust blew the winds for my journey ever since. A pandemic was only one of the many Laistrygonians and Cyclops I met in my voyage. I found my Ithaca not poor but empty, like an empty room where there was nothing else to be found rather than myself.
The last Nota Bene speaker of 2021’s graduation emphasized the overvaluation of meritocracy in modern times. On that note, I want to express my eternal gratitude for those that supported me along the way:
To my family, which has shared the struggles and the happiness.
To the handful of friends that stayed till the end. And to the many with whom we parted ways along the way.
To the nine public and private institutions, companies and schools.
To the French and the Greek government that sponsored my studies and honored me with their trust 11 times.
Finally, to my colleagues who taught me so much and were there to extend a helping hand when I needed it.
I couldn’t have done it without you.