Start Dates Shifted for Full-Time MBA Summer and Fall Classes
by Greg Hanifee, Associate Dean of Degree Programs
Hello Kellogg students and future students! As we are settling in for the Spring Quarter and ensuring that our faculty and students are finding new ways to connect, we’re also looking toward the near future, as I’m sure many of you are, too.
Summer and fall start dates for the Full-Time MBA Program
In light of the current situation with COVID-19, we’ve decided to adjust the start date of Summer Quarter by one month. Our current plan is for incoming 1Y and MMM classes to begin their in-person Kellogg experiences for the Summer Quarter on July 15, starting with orientation. Classes will start July 20, and the Summer Quarter will be condensed. We have reworked the course delivery so that it will still be a full academic quarter, and all 1Ys/MMMs that start this summer will graduate on time.
Right now, our hope is that the Fall Quarter for the Full-Time Program will begin as originally planned on September 21, with CIM for new 2Y/MMM students beginning on August 31. KWEST activities are still being evaluated, but for now, know that 1Ys and MMMs will be able to participate in KWEST along with those in the other Full-Time Programs.
For all incoming students, support from the Career Management Center will begin virtually in late June to ensure you’re ready for the recruitment cycle to begin in the fall (for 1Y) and winter (for MMM and 2Y).
We understand that all of you want to meet in-person on campus. We also understand that some of you, especially international students, may experience visa or travel barriers in arriving on time for these start dates, so read on for more details on how we’ll cater to those who can’t be here right on time.
I want to emphasize that we will always put your health and safety first. If needed, this plan is subject to change based on any new public safety guidance on the federal, state or University level. This includes any extensions to the current shelter-in-place ordinances we have been given in Illinois. You also can monitor University policy and updates on Northwestern’s COVID-19 website.
Spring Quarter remote learning
Kellogg is in a unique and position given our academic-quarter system. As our Spring Quarter continues, we are already hearing great stories about new ways our faculty and students are building community and collaborating. If you can’t get to campus right away, all classes, Kellogg-sponsored events and club events will include virtual elements until you can join in person.
We know you’re eager to start. Just as we’ve seen for the Spring Quarter, new questions will emerge. Stay tuned for further announcements from the admissions team via email, and contact your admissions officer directly with any questions. We’re here to support you.
The entire Kellogg community looks forward to welcoming you to Kellogg in the near future. In the meantime, we wish you and your families well.