Back to School Special: 3 Tips that Spurred an EMBA Application
by Allison McKeever, EMBA 2021
Amidst the stories of student loan debt crippling the livelihood of generations of Americans, I decided to join their ranks, taking on debt in the pursuit of knowledge.
August 2019, I returned to school — ten years after graduating with my bachelor’s. I attended the launch week for the 121st cohort of the Kellogg Executive MBA Program in Miami. It was a packed week with a by-the-minute schedule, including probability, strategy, and meeting the 58 other students in my cohort, and the Kellogg faculty and staff who will be a part of this journey.
From the time I applied, to now, the question I get the most often is, “Why are you going back to school?” Long story short, I have gaps in knowledge that I’d like to fill.
Why pursue an executive MBA?
I consulted with many people while deciding whether or not to pursue my MBA, and three pieces of advice stand out, especially after reflecting on launch week.
As is true for most everyone I’ve talked to about an MBA, and in particular, executive programs, the people and the friendships that form, are one of the most valuable aspects.
Further, an executive MBA is an opportunity to learn not only from world-class professors but also from a diverse and experienced group of peers. The collective knowledge in the room enriches the learning experience. It didn’t take long to see this in action.
The third is from a conversation I had with alumni of BYU Marriott School of Business. For him, a valuable aspect of the program was how the curriculum gave him a new language to use. It struck a chord with me because learning the language of business was the central thesis of my application essay.
Since I wrote the essay and submitted it as part of my application, much of what I wrote remains true. I’m happy to say some of the goals are already underway.
After meeting my cohort and adjusting to an academic setting, I look forward to what lies ahead. Thank you to Kellogg and my cohort for a memorable launch to what will surely be a rewarding, challenging, and fun couple of years.