The MBA and Life Checklist: Choosing your MBA Program (Part 3)

This post is part three in a series. See part one, part two, part four, part five, part six.
As I was making my decision to attend Kellogg, I asked myself six questions to determine whether it was the right place for me. Here is the third:
Is the institution building, sustaining and protecting its brand?
“Quaecumque Sunt Vera” are the words in the Northwestern insignia, meaning “Whatsoever things are true.” This phrase from the Bible’s New Testament book of Philippians, speaks to how we should think and act. Kellogg constantly reminds us to consider the brand at all occasions once you choose to bear it. Whether in Evanston or abroad, or even later as an alumnus, your actions affect the whole. Kellogg challenges us to “Think Bravely” and that business can be “Bravely Led, Passionately Collaborative, and World Changing” NOW. In return, Kellogg has a continuing responsibility to constantly improve. The groundbreaking ceremony for Kellogg’s new building reminded me of how important it is for Kellogg to connect its reputation as a top business school in rankings and in the hearts of the students, with steps that will ensure it continues well into the future.
Christopher Alexander ’14 is a 2008 graduate of Morehouse College and is in his second year of the 2Y MBA Program at Kellogg. His focus is on the Marketing and Management and Organizations curriculum. After graduation Chris will be heading back to Deloitte Consulting’s Strategy and Operations group. He will be based in Seattle, along with his fiancé and Kellogg classmate Jessica Lane ’14. Chris is very active on Kellogg’s campus, primarily as outgoing co-president of the Black Management Association, an admissions interviewer and a member of the class gift committee. Chris originally hails from Roxbury, NJ.