A Run of a Different Color

We’re in week 4 of the first quarter of my second (and final) year at Kellogg, and I don’t have much time for blogging. Truth be told, most of the problem stems from not having time to narrow down the list of what I have to blog about: my internship and incredible summer in New York; the three weeks I was lucky enough to spend traveling in South East Asia immediately after my internship ended (KWEST Thailand 4eva!); how weird it is that we’re 2nd-years and how incredible it was walking into Jacobs our first day back; the list could literally go on forever.
But this past weekend I participated in something that is far too fun not too blog about: The Color Run. The basic premise: You start out at the beginning of the race in a white t-shirt and end the race covered, from head to toe, in bright colors. What’s not to like?
On Sunday morning, over 100 students determined to bring the Kellogg spirit to “the happiest 5K on the planet” headed downtown to see what this run was all about. First and second-year students bonded quickly over their love of bright colors and all things Kellogg, donned their whitest finery (t-shirts and sweatbands provided by The Color Run), ignored the rainy forecast and walked/ran/skipped/danced their way through this truly spectacular event. Four weeks into the quarter, and never a dull Sunday morning.