Doing Good and Feeling Good: Community Service @ Kellogg

This past month marked a big month for Kellogg Volunteers (KVOL). As the school year winds down, and students are getting ready to leave Evanston, the Kellogg student body still took the time out of their busy schedules to focus on community service.
First, KVOL presented Kellogg’s 2nd Annual “Dress Your Best” Clothing Drive & Fashion Show with the help of the Women’s Business Association, Kellogg Veterans Association and the Luxury Goods & Retail Club. The clothing drive collected business professional and business casual clothing and shoes for local veterans and women trying to get back on their feet. Last Friday at TG, the student body celebrated with a Fashion Show that highlighted clothing from Banana Republic, The Gap, Ruch Boutique and Eric Kipp Custom Clothiers. The Atrium at Jacobs was filled with students as they watched their peers walk the runway; it was a great way to celebrate the event, and bring the student body together. A true testament that at Kellogg, while we work hard, we always find ways to have fun!
Two days later, on a warm and sunny Mother’s Day, KVOL put on Kellogg’s first annual 5K. The race raised money for COSI (Children’s Oncology Services, Inc.), an organization that puts on camps for children who have cancer, are recovering from cancer or are dealing with a diagnosis of cancer. KVOL’s goal was to raise enough money to send 3 young kids to camp….and succeeded! In fact, they ended up raising enough money to send 4 kids to camp!
Over 100 Kellogg students woke-up early on Sunday to run the race, and support the cause. Two of the campers even came to support the runners and lead the crowd in the singing of their favorite camp song! After months of hard work led by second-year student Megan Lyons, the 5K event went off without a hitch, and had many Kelloggians excited to continue the event next year.
In May, the Kellogg student body exemplified that community service and giving back is truly at the heart of this school; we are always ready to “do good & feel good!”