Summer internship recruitment and career treks
Ever wondered what lies in the heart of summer internship recruitment? I give my two cents here.
From my personal experience of internship recruitment, there are few things that are absolutely important in order to succeed. One, introspect, research and nail down the broad functional and industrial areas where one wants to work in. Two, prepare a list of companies which operate in those areas and three, I think the most important step, talk to Kellogg alums in the company in order to understand the nuances of culture, work, interview process etc.
Career treks at Kellogg are one of the best ways to meet professionals in the industries one is looking at. They are organized by first year students (trek leaders). A typical trek would be a few days of visiting the companies, knowing about the work, positions, recruitment procedure and most importantly – forming those connections with the executives. One such trek I’ve been to is the energy trek in Chicago. We’ve visited companies ranging from Utilities, to Wind and Solar. It was a great learning experience – my two biggest takeaways being: the list of key drivers impacting the economics of each industry & contacts who I can call, in case I need to know more about the industry. This trek is just one example of numerous activities Kellogg has, in order to equip students with the right knowledge and make them ‘corporate-ready’.
For more info on career treks, visit career treks