2020 Family Wealth Continuity Webinar Series

Consumer finance and new technologies: research and practice

The Kellogg Center for Family Enterprises is excited to announce the second annual Family Wealth Continuity Webinar Series, Family Capital Strategy: A Holistic View along with Egon Zehnder and PwC.

This multipart webinar series will begin August 18th, 2020 at 10 a.m. EST/ 9 a.m. CST and will be held monthly thereafter, with each event recorded in case you are unable to participate in real time.

Families who take a holistic view of their shared family assets make better decisions regarding deployment of family capital. Join us as we explore how families can develop strategies and processes to help drive optimal wealth allocation across family enterprise assets. Hosted by family business governance, talent, and tax professionals and featuring insights from forward-thinking families, you will leave the program with:

  • The Family Capital Strategy framework to examine the capital and assets of family-owned businesses and align them with the family’s purpose and goals
  • Guidelines for the execution and implementation of the Family Capital Strategy
  • Real world examples of leading family business’ approaches to their own family capital, along with open discussions in a carefully matched peer group facilitated by an industry expert
  • Facilitated breakout groups where like-minded family members and professionals can engage in real time dialogue.

This year’s online program is open to family enterprise owners, non-family executives, board members, investment professionals, and advisors.

There is no charge to attend this event

August 18, 2020

This three-part webinar series will begin August 18th, 2020 at 10 a.m. EST/ 9 a.m. CST and will be held monthly thereafter. 


For questions about the webinar series, please contact the Kellogg Center for Family Enterprise 

What do we mean by family capital?

The shared wealth of the family, inclusive of all forms of assets (business, investment, physical)

What do we mean by family capital strategy?

The process by which families determine how to allocate their wealth across various sources and uses of cash. The family capital strategy starts with an exploration of the purpose of the family wealth - in other words what does the family do to achieve its purpose through its shared assets. 

Why are we delving into this topic?

Families rarely take a holistic view of their family capital, from a purpose, governance, reporting or education standpoint. Without a holistic view, families make sub-optimal decisions regarding how they deploy their family capital. Through the framework proposed here, we hope to provide families with a language and process to address the totality of their shared financial capital.


Egon Zehnder is the world’s top leadership consulting firm, sharing one goal: to transform people, organizations, and the world through great leadership. Our Family Business Advisory team partners with families, owners, and managers in navigating their unique challenges of leadership, succession, and governance across generations. We work closely with family members and owners to create an environment conducive to driving the best people decisions in their specific context.
PwC has been serving families and supporting their legacy since our firm’s founding more than 170 years ago. Today, we work with more than 3,000 families helping to solve a wide range of challenges they face as individuals, in their business, and in the broader family enterprise. We have more than 2,300 dedicated professionals with deep knowledge and experience serving families, and offer a wide range of services to help families grow their business while protecting their wealth.