Politics and Social Movements
Amanda Stevenson
Sociology & Population Research Center, University of Texas-Austin
Emotions and Social Movement Ties Among Texas Abortion Activists
Ion Bogdan Vasi
Sociology and College of Business, University of Iowa
'No Fracking Way!' Media Activism, Discursive Opportunities and Local Opposition against Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States, 2010-2013
(with Edward Walker - University of California-Davis, John Johnson - Harmony Institute, Sarah Tan - Cornell University)
Lucas da Silva Almeida
Complex Systems Modelling, University of São Paulo
E-Fixing Government
Eunkyung Song
Sociology, Rutgers University
The Fifteen Days: The Meaning of Mad Cow Disease in the 2008 Candlelight Protests, Korea
Computational Text Analytic Approaches to Political Sociology
Joseph DiGrazia
Neukom Institute & Sociology, Dartmouth College
The Social Determinants of Conspiratorial Ideation
Sarah Gaby
Sociology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
The Rise of Inequality: How Social Movements Shape Discursive Fields
Charles Sequin & Brandon Gorman
Sociology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Reporting the International System: Foreign Leaders in the US News Media
Alex Hanna
Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Developing a System for the Automated Coding of Protest Event Data
Laura Nelson
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
On Targets and Tactics: The Transformation of the US Environmental Movement Between 1998 and 2014
(with Brayden King - Northwestern University)
Power and Politics Online
Jessica Burow
Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Police Prejudice Spread on Twitter: The Ferguson Verdict
(with Soundararajan Rajendran - University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Tymofii Brik
Social Science, Universitad Carlos III de Madrid
To What Extent Social Movements are “Social” in Ukraine?: Some Evidence From Social Networks Approach
Tyler A. Crabb
Sociology, University of Maryland, College Park
Strings Attached: The Sociology of Non-Human, Digital Personas
(with Erin Smith Crabb – University of Maryland, College Park)
Anne Groggel
Sociology, Indiana University
A Gendered Public Sphere: Who’s Heard the Most in Twitter
(with Peter Lista, Shirin Nilizadeh, Pranay Sogani, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Apu Kapadia, Fabio Rojas – Indiana University)
Language, Culture, and Community
Kenneth Joseph
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
Culture, Networks, Twitter and foursquare: Testing a Model of Cultural Conversion with Social Media Data
(with Kathleen M. Carley - Carnegie Mellon University)
Sameer Srivastava
Haas School of Business, University of California-Berkeley
Fitting In or Standing Out? The Tradeoffs of Structural and Cultural Embeddedness
(with Amir Goldberg, V. Govind Manian, William Monroe, Christopher Potts - Stanford University)
Azadeh Nematzadeh
Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
Where to Eat or What to Eat? Examining Urban Food Exploration through Yelp Reviews
(with Soheil Jazayeri, Maitaporn Phanich, Peter Todd, Yong-Yeol Ahn - Indiana University)
Aleksandr Sinayev
Ohio State University
Assessing News Objectivity Using Movie Synopses and Reviews
Network Science, Machine Learning, and Interactive Data Visualization: Tools to Study Cultural Production
Michael Mauskopf
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Cultural Networks as a Means to Map the Emergence and Evolution of Genres
(with Noah Askin - INSEAD, Brian Uzzi - Northwestern University)
Fernando Cucchietti
Scientific Visualization Team, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Visualizing Popularity and Influence in Popular Music
Bryan Pardo
McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University
Crowdsourcing Audio Production Interfaces
Agnes Horvat
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), Northwestern University
A Cookbook of Cinematic Delicacies that Do Not Expire
(with Andreas Spitz - Heidelberg University)
Jobs, Markets, and Organizations
Agnes Horvat
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), Northwestern University
Market- vs Network Relations: The Role of Friends in the Early Stages of Bidding in Crowdfunding
(with Jay Uparna, Brian Uzzi - Northwestern University)
Anamaria Berea
Computational Social Science, George Mason University
Social Media Drivers & Crowdfunding Success
(with Brent Goldfarb, David Kirsch, William Rand – University of Maryland)
Ming Lueng
Haas School of Business, University of California-Berkeley
For Love or Money? Gender Differences in How One Approaches Getting a Job
(with Weiyi Ng - University of California-Berkeley)
John Atwell
Sociology and Complex Systems, University of Michigan
Markets as Sites of Constructive Processes
Jerry Kim
Columbia Business School, Columbia University
Incentives and Inequality: Evidence from Gamification in a Restaurant Chain
(with Bruce Kogut - Columbia University, Ian Larkin - University of California-Los Angeles)
Collaborations, Citations, and Success I
Balazs Vedres
Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University
Creative Tensions and Success in the Network of Video Game Developers
(with Mathijs DeVaan, Columbia University, David Stark, Columbia University)
Satyam Mukherjee
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), Northwestern University
The Lens of Time: Linking Prior Knowledge and Future Impact in Science, Patenting and Law
(with Daniel Romero - University of Michigan, Benjamin Jones, Brian Uzzi-Northwestern University)
João Moreira
McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University
Using the Discrete Lognormal Distribution to Quantify the Scientific Impact of Individual Researchers
(with Xiao Han T. Zeng, Luís A. Nunes Amaral – Northwestern University)
Deepak Somaya
College of Business, University of Illinois-Urbana
A Tree Induction Analysis of Exclusivity in Technology Licensing
(with Carla Fernandez-Corrales, Ramanath Subramanyam – University of Illinois-Urbana, Prasanna Karhade – Hong Kong University of Science & Technology)
Collaborations, Citations, and Success Panel I
Sheen S. Levine
Institute for Social & Economic Research and Policy, Columbia University
The Hazards of Interaction: When Isolation and Inertia Benefit Performance
Xiaolin Zhuo & Robert Manduca
Sociology, Harvard University
Multi-Dimensional Diversity and Team Performance in a Cultural Market
(with Kwan Woo Kim - Harvard University)
Samantha Cohen
Psychological and Brian Sciences, Indiana University
Speed-Networking: An Academic Equalizer for Underrepresented Individuals
(with Peter M. Todd - Indiana University)
Using Computational Methods to Improve Health Care
Subrina Farah
Family Medicine Research Programs, University of Rochester
Quantitative Assessment of Patient Satisfaction Survey: A Multivariate Approach
Ricky Leung
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Building Mobile Apps for Underrepresented Mental Health Patients
(with Julia Hastings, Keith Chan - SUNY-Albany, Robert Keefe – SUNY-Buffalo, Carol Brownstein-Evans – Nazareth College, Rosemary Mullick – SUNY-Polytechnic Institute)
Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Emergency Department Revisits and Patient Welfare: A Recommendation to Healthcare Providers on Analyzing Visit Data
(with Vikram Kilambi, Sanjay Mehrotra – Northwestern Univeristy, Peter Pang - Indiana University)
Measuring Network Dynamics I
Hilla Brot
Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO), Northwestern University
Evolution through Bursts: Network Structure Develops through Localized Bursts in Time and Space
Lorien Jasney
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, University of Maryland
Two-Mode Brokerage in Policy Networks
(with Mark Lubell - University of California-Davis)
Varsha S. Kulkarni
Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
Temporal Evolution of Social Innovation
Measuring Network Dynamics II
Devin Gaffney
Network Science, Northeastern University
Exploring the Role of Geographic Diffusion in Viral Cascades
Hyojun A. Lee
McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University
Adoption of High-Cost Medical Innovations within Specialty Physician Groups
(with Adam R. Pah, Luís A. Nunes Amaral – Northwestern University)
Joshua Becker
Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
Collective Decisions as Coordination Processes: The Influence of Hubs
Re-imagining Methods
Mark Fossett
Sociology, Texas A&M University
Assessing Residential Segregation in Computational Models: Solutions to Problems of Measuring Segregation at Small Spatial Scales
Forrest W. Crawford
Biostatistics, Yale School of Public Health
Reconstructing Hidden Social Networks from Partial Link-Tracing Data
Lawrence L. Wu
Sociology, New York University
Enhancing Plausibility and Interpretability of Cause-Specific Models of Mortality
(with Steven P. Martin - Urban Institute)
Misha Teplitskiy
Sociology, University of Chicago
How Film is Sociological Knowledge: Reanalysis of GSS Findings with Alternative Models and Out-of-Sample Data, 1972-2012
(with John Evans - University of Chicago)
Adam R. Pah
McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University
Longitudinal Analysis of Shooting Incidents at Schools in the USA
(with Andrew Jennings, Luís A. Nunes Amaral - Northwestern University)
New Tools for Collecting Data
Jason Radford
Sociology, University of Chicago
Conducting Massively Open Online Social Experiments with Volunteer Science
(with David Lazer, Waleed Meleis, Brook Foucault Wells - Northeastern University, Brian Keegan - Harvard University, Jefferson Hoye - Independent)
Darren Stevenson
Communication Studies, University of Michigan
Using Online Advertising Networks to Study Human Behavior
Michelle Birkett
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University
NetCanvas: An Engaging Tool for Capturing Complex Network Data for Use in Clinical Research
(with Joshua Melville, Bernie Hogan - University of Oxford, Gregory Phillips II, Patrick Janulis, Brian Mustanski, Noshir Contractor - Northwestern University)
Collective Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Crowd
Aaron Shaw
School of Communication, Northwestern University
Shane Greenstein
Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Ester Hargittai
School of Communication, Northwestern University
Computational Social Science in Industry
Helena Buhr
Data Scientist and Technical Project Manager, Google
Mark Thomas Rivera
Analyzing Big Data