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Research Details
The social psychology of design thinking, California Management Review
We examine the cardinal tenets of design thinking using the research, theory, and insights of social psychology. Specifically, we explore four principles common to many design thinking approaches, including: (1) observe and notice; (2) frame and reframe; (3) imagine and design, and (4) make and experiment with regard to the social psychological research that bears on each prescription. For each of these design thinking prescriptions, we analyze the social psychological phenomena involved and supplement the theory and research with an illustrative practical application from a real design thinking project at IDEO, in addition to other practical applications. Our ultimate goal is to equip and inspire design thinkers and their companies to use insights from social psychology to inform the design thinking process.
Leigh Thompson, David Schonthal
Date Published
Thompson, Leigh, and David Schonthal. 2020. The social psychology of design thinking. California Management Review. 62((2)): 84-99.