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The Board's Missing Link, Harvard Business Review


In these letters to the editor of 'Harvard Business Review', the authors discuss Cynthia A. Montgomery and Rhonda Kaufman's March 2003 article, 'The Board's Missing Link.' Professor John L. Ward of Northwestern University observes that the family-controlled business is an interesting place to examine and extend the insights and recommendations of Montgomery and Kaufman. He observes that in family-run companies, there are often very strong connections and accountability between shareholders and the board. Liz Guthridge of The Adobe Group thinks that the missing link in companies' governance triangles is not just between boards and shareholders; it is also between boards and employees, many of whom are shareholders. Professor John P. McAllister of Kennesaw State University observes that the authors may have also identified a serious inconsistency in the flow of information at most companies. Montgomery and Kaufman respond by observing that perhaps the larger theme to take away from reader reaction to the article is that shielding information from board directors and shareholders ultimately comes at a cost.




John L. Ward, Liz Guthridge, Rhonda Kaufman, John P. McAllister, Cynthia A. Montgomery

Date Published



Ward, John L., Liz Guthridge, Rhonda Kaufman, John P. McAllister, and Cynthia A. Montgomery. 2003. The Board's Missing Link. Harvard Business Review. 81(6): 130-131.


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