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Earnings Announcement Premia and the Limits to Arbitrage, Journal of Accounting and Economics
We re-examine the existence of earnings announcement-day premia and find that they persist beyond the sample period used in prior studies (ending in 1988). The magnitude of the premia is lower for all sub-periods when we use the expected rather than actual announcement dates used in prior studies. Moreover, the premia are not present following earnings pre-announcements. Finally, we find that limits to arbitrage are a likely explanation for the continuing presence of the premia despite the fact that firms on earnings announcement dates have a significantly positive Jensen's alpha and a higher Sharpe Ratio than on non-announcement dates.
Daniel A Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, Thomas Lys, Shyam V. Sunder
Date Published
Cohen, Daniel A, Aiyesha Dey, Thomas Lys, and Shyam V. Sunder. 2007. Earnings Announcement Premia and the Limits to Arbitrage. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 43(2-3): 153-180.