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What do we know about (implicit) bias and what does it mean for bias reduction training?, Behavioral Science & Policy
Organizations invest nearly $8 billion annually in diversity training, but questions have arisen about whether training actually reduces biased attitudes, changes behavior, and increases diversity. In this article, we review the relevant evidence, noting that training should be explicitly aimed at increasing awareness of and concern about bias while at the same time providing strategies that attendees can use to change their behavior. After outlining five challenges to developing and delivering training that meets these goals, we provide evidence-based recommendations that organizations and facilitators can use as a blueprint for creating antibias training programs that work. One recommendation is to couple investment in anti-bias training with other diversity and inclusion initiatives to help ensure that the billions spent each year yield meaningful change.
Evelyn R Carter, Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador, Neil A Lewis
Date Published
Carter, Evelyn R, Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador, and Neil A Lewis. 2020. What do we know about (implicit) bias and what does it mean for bias reduction training?. Behavioral Science & Policy. 6(1): 57-70.