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How managerial attitudes toward the natural environment affect market orientation and innovation, Journal of Business Research
This study investigates natural environmental attitude linkages held by strategic decision makers and hypothesizes that the interaction between market orientation and managerial natural environmental attitudes serves to enhance the effect of market orientation on firm innovativeness. Using questionnaire responses from 284 owners or chief executive officers residing in the food processing industry, the findings establish evidence of (1) a positive linkage between market orientation and firm innovativeness, and (2) the moderating effect of managerial attitudes of top managers toward the natural environmental in the market orientation to firm innovativeness relationship. The results provide insight into the nature of the cultural values on which a market orientation is based in relation to the natural environment.
C. Dibrell, Justin B. Craig, E. Hansen
Date Published
Dibrell, C., Justin B. Craig, and E. Hansen. 2011. How managerial attitudes toward the natural environment affect market orientation and innovation. Journal of Business Research. 64(4): 401-407.