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Journal Article
Feeling Judged? How the Presence of Outgroup Members Promotes Healthier Food Choices
Psychology & Marketing
The present article examines how the presence of others from a different social group (i.e., outgroup audience) influences consumers' food choices relative to the presence of others from their own social group (i.e., ingroup audience). In four studies, using various types of group memberships (race, university affiliation, and work affiliation), we first find that consumers are more likely to make healthy food choices in the presence of racial (Study 1) and university (Study 2) outgroup (vs. ingroup) audiences. Then, using an experimental causal-chain mediation approach, we show this effect occurs because consumers anticipate more negative judgment from outgroup (vs. ingroup) audiences (Studies 3a and 3b). We discuss the possible role of outgroup contact and diversity in promoting healthy eating.
Date Published:
Toure-Tillery, Rima, Janina Steinmetz, Blake DiCosola. 2022. Feeling Judged? How the Presence of Outgroup Members Promotes Healthier Food Choices. Psychology & Marketing. (8)1504–1510.