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Working Paper
Equilibrium Effects of Pharmaceutial Bundling: Evidence from India
We study the equilibrium effects of competitive bundling in the context of the
Indian pharmaceutical industry. Fixed-dose combinations (FDCs), which bundle
two or more drugs in a single pill, account for over 50% of pharmaceutical revenue
in India. Using an equilibrium model of drug demand and supply, we show that
the price and welfare effects of FDCs are theoretically ambiguous. Empirically,
we find that FDCs on average sell at a 28% discount but increase standalone
component prices by 3%. New FDCs significantly increase sales of drug bundles.
To quantify the welfare effects of FDCs, we estimate the model in the market for
Alzheimer’s drugs. We find that FDCs increase consumer surplus by 21% and
firm profits by 13% because of significant market expansion and cost savings.
Counterfactual analysis shows that applying FDC regulations from the US to
India could deter FDC entry and forestall potential welfare benefits.
Date Published:
Cao, Shengmao, Chirantan Chatterjee. 2022. Equilibrium Effects of Pharmaceutial Bundling: Evidence from India.