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Vsevolod Salnikov

Daniel Schien

Hyejin Youn

Renaud Lambiotte

Michael Gastner

The newly released Orange D4D mobile phone data base provides new insights into the use of mobile technology in a developing country. Here we perform a series of spatial data analyses that reveal important geographic aspects of mobile phone use in Cote d’Ivoire. We first map the locations of base stations with respect to the population distribution and the number and duration of calls at each base station. On this basis, we estimate the energy consumed by the mobile phone network. Finally, we perform an analysis of inter-city mobility, and identify high-traffic roads in the country.
Date Published: 2013
Citations: Salnikov, Vsevolod, Daniel Schien, Hyejin Youn, Renaud Lambiotte, Michael Gastner. 2013. The geography and carbon footprint of mobile phone use in Cote d’Ivoire. EPJ Data Science. (3)