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John L. Ward

Colleen Lief

Since the beginning of time, families have been working together. Goals could be achieved as a trusting group that eluded the grasp of the individual. Banding together with the people one knew best helped ensure survival and was highly successful for many years. One day, however, management gurus noticed that fathers hired mainly sons and wealth was preserved and controlled by small, related groups. They were aghast. -- Can this be right? Just think of all the quality talent going to waste in favor of a son-in law? Capital markets theorists pointed out that enterprising families were missing out on broader capital access and perish the thought leverage.
Date Published: 2005
Citations: Ward, John L., Colleen Lief. 2005. Unconventional Wisdom: Counterintuitive Insights For Family Business Success. Perspectives for Managers. (120)