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Bobby Calder

Dawn Iacobucci

This research explores the effectiveness of interactive advertising on a new medium platform. Like the presence in industry and the media themselves, the academic research stream is fairly new. Our research seeks to isolate the key feature of interactivity from confounding factors and to begin to tease apart those situations for which interactivity might be highly desirable from those situations for which traditional advertising vehicles may be sufficient or superior. We find that the traditional linear advertising format of conventional ads is actually better than interactive advertising for certain kinds of consumers and for certain kinds of ads. In particular, we find that a cognitive "matching" of the system properties (being predominately visual or verbal) and the consumer segment needs (preferring their information to be presented in a visual or verbal manner) appears to be critical. More research should be conducted before substantial expenditures are devoted to advertising on these interactive media. These new means of communicating with customers are indeed exciting, but they must be demonstrated to be effective on consumer engagement and persuasion.
Date Published: 1998
Citations: Calder, Bobby, Dawn Iacobucci. 1998. New Media Interactive Advertising vs. Traditional Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research. (4)23-32.