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Recent Scholarly Research

Our faculty are recognized for their insightful analyses and their ability to push the frontier of thought within their respective academic disciplines and professions. Explore research published by Kellogg Faculty and featured in top-tier peer reviewed journals.
DATE Title Author Type
2024 The psychology of social robots and artificial intelligence Kurt Gray, K.C. Yam, A.E. Zhen'An, Danica Wilbanks, Adam Waytz Book Chapter
2024 Reckoning with a racist past: Black and White Americans’ subjective temporal distance from past racism predicts denial of present-day racism. Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador, Serena Does, Margaret Shih Working Paper
2024 Partisan Disparities in the Use of Science in Policy Alexander Furnas, Timothy LaPira, Dashun Wang Working Paper
2024 Advantaged groups misperceive how allyship will be received, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Hannah Birnbaum, Desman Wilson, Adam Waytz Article
2024 Who Wins the Tournament of Lawyers? Gender and Promotions to Partner in a Large Law Firm Jayanti Owens, Lauren Rivera Working Paper
2024 Interdependent behavior only benefits employees from working-class backgrounds when it is both enacted and valued. Andrea Dittmann, Nicole Stephens, Sarah Townsend Article
2024 Milestones as Merit: Selecting the Elite in Early Childhood Private School Admissions Estela Diaz, Lauren Rivera Working Paper
2024 An Empirical Test of an Intervention to Reduce Pandemic-Related Inequities in Academic Science Lauren Rivera, Katherine Weisshaar, Andras Tilcsik Working Paper
2024 The More the Merrier: How Psychological Standing and Work Group Size Explain Managers’ Willingness to Communicate About Unethical Conduct in Their Work Group, Journal of Business Ethics Burak Oc, Maryam Kouchaki Article
2024 The promise of ranked choice voting: Overcoming electability concerns to increase votes for underrepresented candidates. Rachel Gershon, Kristen Duke, Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador Working Paper
2024 A future for organizational diversity trainings: Mobilizing diversity science to improve effectiveness. Ivuoma Ngozi Onyeador, Sanaz Mobasseri, Hannah McKinney, Ashley Martin Working Paper
2024 s In-kind Kinder than Cash? The Impact of Money vs. Food Aid on Social Emotions and Aid Take-up ", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Samantha Kassirer, Ata Jami, Maryam Kouchaki Article
2024 Motivated counterfactual thinking and moral inconsistency: How we use our imaginations to selectively condemn and condone, Current Directions in Psychological Science Daniel Effron, Kai Epstude, Neal Roese Article
2024 Racial Minorities Face Discrimination (from across the Political Spectrum) when Seeking to Build Connections on Social Media: Evidence from a Field Experiment, Psychological Science Krishnan Nair, Mohsen Mosleh, Maryam Kouchaki Article
2024 When ideologies align: Progressive corporate activism and within-firm ideological alignment, Strategic Management Journal Anna McKean, Brayden King Article
2024 Looking White but Feeling Asian: The Role of Perceived Permeability and Perceived Discrimination in Multiracial-Monoracial Alliances, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Nadia Vossoughi, Nour Kteily, Arnold Ho Article
2024 Large Language Models in Qualitative Research: Not all that Glitters is Gold, Journal of Management Inquiry Lindsey Cameron, Hatim Rahman Article
2024 Extracting Intersectional Stereotypes from Embeddings: Developing and Validating the FISE Procedure, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Tessa Charlesworth, Mahzarin Banaji, Kshitish Ghate Article
2024 Ideology: Psychological Similarities and Differences Across the Ideological Spectrum Re-Examined, Annual Review of Psychology Nour Kteily, Mark Brandt Article
2024 Deep learning-aided decision support for diagnosis of skin disease across skin tones, Nature Medicine Matthew Groh, Omar Badri, Roxana Daneshjou, Arash Koochek, Caleb Harris, Luis Soenksen, P. Murali Doraiswamy, Rosalind Picard Article