Negotiation With Private Information: Litigation and Strikes
Robert B. Wilson
Robert B. Wilson is the Atholl McBean Professor of Economics at the Graduate School of Business of Stanford University, where he has been teaching since 1964. He holds A.B. (1959), M.B.A. (1961), and D.B.A. (1963) degrees from Harvard University and an honorary Doctor of Economics (1986) from the Norwegian School of Economics. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, past Fellow of the Ford Foundation and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, and recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship. He was the 1986 Fisher-Schulz Lecturer of the Econometric Society and the 1991 Union Bank Lecturer of the Helsinki School of Economics.
Professor Wilson served on the Council of the Econometric Society and on the editorial boards of Econometrica. Mathematics of Operations Research, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Regulatory Economics, and Games and Economic Behavior. He is the author of over ninety journal articles and book chapters dealing with a large number of issues in decision theory, game theory, social choice theory, economics, and finance.