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Research Support

Research Support

Research Resources & Support

Northwestern University provides an impressive research computing infrastructure for its scholars and is attentive to the current and future computing needs of the research community. Kellogg's Research Support team manages a broad array of research resources ranging from experimental facilities, servers for web surveys and high-end computational servers, datasets and data storage services, as well as all necessary software and training by experienced research staff.

• Datasets Maintained by Kellogg
• NU Library Social Science Data Services
• Computing Facilities
• Software
• Behavioral Research

Research Funding

The Kellogg School of Management has tremendously deep-set research resources for our doctoral students and faculty. Kellogg strives to be innovative and responsive to the research needs of our academic community. In addition to the research resources outlined above, Kellogg provides our students with computer subsidies, conference travel funding, and opportunities to apply for additional research resources, such as data.

Computer Subsidy

Conference Travel Funding

Additional Research Funding

Libraries at Northwestern University

Northwestern University Library
• Ranked in top 10 in holdings among U.S. private universities.
• Over 5.4 million volumes and 109,000 current journals and serials.
• Over 90% of journals and serialsare available electronically.
• Over 73,000 e-books added in 2010 alone.
• Has 52 terabytes of unique digital content.

Mathematics Library
• Contains over 34,000 volumes in pure mathematics and statistics.

Seeley G. Mudd Science and Engineering Library (Tech Library)
• Contains more than 345,000 books on science, engineering, and applied mathematics.

Interlibrary Loan and UBorrow
Students can also borrow books or course materials through a consortium of 13 research libraries.

Enrolling in Courses Outside of Northwestern University
Students may enroll in the Traveling Scholar Program, sponsored by the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIS), to allow them to take courses at other schools for Northwestern credit.

Our Current PhD Students

Visit our current student page to view a listing of our students by their areas of study.



Faculty Journal Publications & Books

Explore research published by Kellogg Faculty and featured in top-tier peer reviewed journals.



Learn More About Our Faculty

Kellogg’s faculty includes scholars whose research has redefined the study of management and has set a standard for new ideas and innovation.