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Timelines and requirements may differ among Kellogg's doctoral programs. Students should refer to their Program Guidelines and consult with their DGS for guidance on exact details of degree requirements. 

Academic Integrity

Kellogg doctoral students fall under the policies and regulations set by The Graduate School; firm adherence to academic honesty and ethical conduct are expected. All Kellogg PhD students should read the statement from The Graduate School in full.

Any questions about this policy should be directed to the student's DGS or the faculty director of the Kellogg Doctoral Program.

Academic Progress

Kellogg PhD students are expected to make continuous academic progress and meet their program's expectations and requirements in a timely fashion. Kellogg students should also refer to The Graduate School's statement on Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Coursework Requirements

Students will be expected to enroll in departmental PhD courses, seminars, and any additional courses needed to adequately prepare for scholarly research. Students must maintain an overall "B" average (3.0) at a minimum; their program, however, may require a higher GPA. Students should consult with their DGS if they have any questions.

Residency Requirements

Doctoral students should plan to be on campus full time, including summer quarter, and be involved in the research of their departments in order to continue to receive funding. Absences longer than three (3) weeks need the direct approval of a student's DGS and academic advisor.


Qualifying Examination and Candidacy

A written qualifying exam is required in each major field that measures knowledge of the field as a whole; passing will advance students into candidacy. Other requirements, such as a first and/or second-year paper and presentation, may also be required. Students should refer to their Program Guidelines or consult with their DGS regarding specific requirements and expectations.


Proposal Process

After completing the coursework and the written qualifying examination, a student takes an oral examination in which they propose a dissertation topic or other substantive piece of research, discuss its significance, and explains the research methods to be used and any preliminary results. The proposal date and requirements are set by the individual PhD programs and outlined in the Program Guidelines. Questions, should be directed to the Director of Graduate Studies for your program and/or your dissertation advisor.

The proposal process is similar to the final defense. Susan Jackman will need from you the following by email at least two weeks before the date of your proposal:

  • Scheduled date, time, and location (room number) for your proposal
  • Title of proposal or presentation
  • List of committee members, noting who your chair is. Details regarding the committee requirements are listed below.

David Dranove, Faculty Director of the PhD Program, approves of all committees. Once Susan has his approval, she'll process the paperwork for your proposal and give the forms to your dissertation chair. To pass the proposal, signatures are required from your proposal committee members. The signature form is returned to Susan Jackman for processing.

Dissertation Committee
Dissertation committees are reviewed and approved by the faculty director at the time of the proposal and final examination (dissertation defense).

Committee Requirements
The committee is composed of at least four faculty members, no fewer than three of whom are on the Kellogg faculty. At least one member of the committee must be from outside the student's program. The committee chair and at least one other member must be from The Graduate School faculty, and the chair and at least one other committee member are expected to hold appointments in the student's program to ensure that half of the committee members represent the student’s program. Usually one member of the committee represents the student's minor field.

These are the criteria for choosing a committee member from outside the student’s department/program:
1. a faculty member from outside the department/program or outside of the Kellogg School, but within Northwestern University;
2. a faculty member from outside Northwestern who has a permanent appointment at another university and who supervises doctoral students as they complete their dissertations; a former Kellogg faculty member could also qualify if he/she has been away from Kellogg a minimum of 3 years.

Please note that a faculty member with a joint appointment spanning two Kellogg departments, one of which is within the student's own program, cannot be used as someone from outside the student's program.

Defense (Final Exam)

Dissertation and Final Examination Process

Each doctoral candidate must complete a dissertation demonstrating original and significant research and must pass a final oral examination on the dissertation. This exam is called the defense. If you have questions about the process, please speak with your dissertation chair and/or your DGS. 

The defense process is similar to the proposal.  Two weeks before the date of your defense, please email Susan Jackman the following information:

  • Scheduled date, time, and location (room number) for your proposal
  • Title of dissertation
  • List of committee members, noting who is your committee chair

David Dranove, Faculty Director of the PhD Program, approves of all committees. Once Susan has approval, paperwork for your defense will be processed and forms will be forwarded to your dissertation chair. To pass the defense, signatures are required from your committee members. Please return the signed Final Exam form to Susan Jackman for processing.

The Graduate School awards degrees quarterly: December, March, June and August. Deadlines for filing for the degree and graduation are found on the Graduate School’s academic calendar. Students should file the Application for Degree Form through CAESAR when they plan on defending and submitting their dissertation for a particular graduation date.

Here are some helpful links for the PhD degree completion:

Degree Completion Process 
Degree Completion Checklist (.pdf)
Dissertation Submission Line (UMI) 
Dissertation Formatting Guidelines (.pdf)

The Kellogg PhD Office does not handle the dissertation submission process, you will work directly with The Graduate School. For TGS assistance, please direct all inquiries to :

Acknowledging Co-Authored Work within the Dissertation

A student’s dissertation may include co-authored work with another student and/or a professor. This co-authored work may be found in a chapter or essay within the dissertation. The student’s dissertation committee sets the guidelines and requirements for the student’s dissertation and provides final approval of the finished document. However, the Dean’s Office would like some standardization in how students acknowledge co-authors within the dissertation. Below is the format that students should follow:

  • The co-author(s) should be listed on the table of contents (next to the paper title).
  • The co-author(s) should be listed next to the title on the title page of the essay/chapter. 


Ceremonies include the Graduate School’s Hooding CeremonyNorthwestern University's Convocation, the Kellogg School of Management Convocation, and the Kellogg PhD Graduation Celebration. Graduates choose which ceremonies they wish to attend. 

Diplomas are mailed from The Graduate School. For information about Certificates of Completion and diploma mailing, please visit this page on The Graduate School website. 

Graduation Ceremonies
The Graduate School awards degrees quarterly. Students should file the Application for Degree Form through CAESAR when they plan on defending and submitting their dissertation.