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May 17–18, 2019

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CT

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Kellogg Global Hub 5101

Kellogg is pleased to host this two-day conference (May 17th-18th) on Political Economy of Development, coordinated by Nancy Qian and Nathan Nunn.


Friday, May 17th

9:00-10:00am Stelios Michalopoulos

Title: "Folklore"

10:00-10:15am Break

10:15-11:15am Nico Voigtlaender

Title: "How Merchant Towns Shaped Parliaments: From the Norman Conquest of England to the Great Reform Act"

11:15-11:30am Break

11:30- 12:30pm Ruixue Jia

Title: "When History Matters Little: Political Hierarchy and Regional Development in China, AD1000-2000"

12:30-1:30pm Roundtable discussion and lunch for invited speakers

1:30-2:30pm Guo Xu

Title: "Patronage for Productivity: Selection and Performance in the Age of Sail"

2:30-2:45pm Break

2:45-3:45pm Nathan Nunn

Title: "Distrust and Political Turnover"

3:45-4:00pm Break

4:00-5:00pm Paola Giuliano

Title: "Diversity in Schools: Immigrants and the Educational Performance of Natives"

5:00-5:15pm Break

5:15-6:15pm Suresh Naidu

Title: "The Economic Geography of American Slavery"

6:45pm Dinner for speakers and their invited attendees


Saturday, May 18th

8:30-9:30am Melissa Dell

Title: "The Automated History Archive"

9:30-9:45am Break

9:45-10:45am Saumitra Jha

Title: "Marching Towards the Bastille: Veterans, Democratic Values and Leadership in the French Revolution"

10:45-11:00am Break

11:00-12:00pm Noam Yuchtman

Title: "Historical Contingencies, Econometric Problems: The Analysis of Natural Experiments in Economic History"

12:00-1:00pm Lunch for speakers and their invited attendees

Please email Grace Musante with questions or to request registration.
Kellogg-Harvard Conference on the Political Economy of Development