logos Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO) Kellogg School of Management
Brian Uzzi Brian Uzzi

Books  |  Research Articles  |  Forbes Column  |  Popular Press Articles

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Team Science

National Research Council, Committee on the Science of Team Science, Nancy J. Cooke and Margaret L. Hilton (Eds). "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Team Science." As a member of the National Research Council Committee on the Science of Team Science, co-authored a 2015 report along with Nancy J. Cooke (Chair), Roger D. Blandford, Jonathon N. Cummings, Stephen M. Fiore, Kara L. Hall, James S. Jackson, John L. King, Steven W. J. Kozlowski, Judith S. Olson, Jeremy A. Sabloff, Daniel S. Stokols, and Hannah Valantine, 2015.

Athena Unbound

Etzkowitz, Henry, Carol Kemelgor, and Brian Uzzi. "Athena Unbound: The Advancement of Women in Science and Technology." Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Embeddedness & Corporate Change in the Global Economy

Tzeng, Rueyling and Brian Uzzi (eds). "Embeddedness & Corporate Change in the Global Economy. Lang Publishing, Inc., 2000.


Research Articles

Huilian Sophie Qiu, Peng, Hao, Henrik Barslund Fosse, Teresa Woodruff, and Brian Uzzi “Use of Promotional Language in Grant Applications and Grant Success”. Journal of the American Medical Association, December 11, 2024.

Nandi, Rabindra Nath, Suman Kalyan Maity, Brian Uzzi and Sourav Medya "An Experimental Analysis on Evaluating Patent Citations" In Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). 2024

Li, Qinghua, Brayden King, Brian Uzzi "Quantifying social media predictors of violence during the 6 January US Capitol insurrection using Granger causality". Journal of the Royal Society Interface, November 2024

Peng, Hao, Huilian Sophie Qiua, Henrik Barslund Fosse, and Brian Uzzi "Promotional language and the adoption of innovative ideas in science". PNAS, 121 (25) e2320066121, June 11, 2024.

Wu, Youyou, Yang Yang and Brian Uzzi "Reply to Crockett et al. and Mottelson and Kontogiorgos: Machine learning’s scientific significance and future impact on replicability research", PNAS, 120 (33) e2308195120, August 7, 2023

Liu, Lu, Benjamin Jones, Brian Uzzi and Dashun Wang. "Data, measurement and empirical methods in the science of science", Nature Human Behavior, June 2023 (PDF VERSION)

Horvát, Ágnes, Henry Dambanemuya, Jayaram Uparna and Brian Uzzi. "Hidden Indicators of Collective Intelligence in Crowdfunding", WWW '23: Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, April 2023, Pages 3806–3815, https://doi.org/10.1145/3543507.3583414

Wu, Youyou, Yang Yang and Brian Uzzi. "A discipline-wide investigation of the replicability of Psychology papers over the past two decades", PNAS, 120 (6) e2208863120, January 30, 2023

Wang, Dashun and Brian Uzzi. "Weak ties, failed tries, and success" Science, Vol 377, Issue 6612, pp. 1256-1258, September 2022

Yang, Yang, Tanya Y. Tian, Teresa K. Woodruff, Benjamin F. Jones and Brian Uzzi. "Gender-diverse teams produce more novel and higher-impact scientific ideas", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, August 2022

Medya, Sourav, Mohammad Rasoolinejad, Yang Yang, and Brian Uzzi. "An Exploratory Study of Stock Price Movements from Earnings Calls", in Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022 (WWW ’22 Companion), April 25–29, 2022

Horvát, Ágnes and Brian Uzzi. "Virtual collaboration hinders a key component of creativity", Nature, 27 April 2022 (PDF Version)

Candia, Cristian and Brian Uzzi. "Quantifying the Selective Forgetting and Integration of Ideas in Science and Technology", American Psychologist, Vol. 76, No. 6, 1067–1087, 2021 (PDF VERSION)

Mandal, Debmalya, Sourav Medya, Brian Uzzi and Charu Aggarwal. "Meta-Learning with Graph Neural Networks: Methods and Applications", ACM SIGKDD explorations newsletter, 23(2), pp.13-22, December 2021

Jin, Ching, Yifang Ma and Brian Uzzi. "Scientific prizes and the extraordinary growth of scientific topics", Nature Communications, 12, 5619 (2021)

Cheng, Feixiong, Yifang Ma, Brian Uzzi and Joseph Loscalzo. "Importance of scientific collaboration in contemporary drug discovery and development: a detailed network analysis", BMC Biology, October 2020

Ma, Yifang, Satyam Mukherjee, and Brian Uzzi. "Mentorship and protégé success in STEM fields", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, June 2020.

Yang, Yang, Youyou Wu, and Brian Uzzi. "Estimating the deep replicability of scientific findings using human and artificial intelligence", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, May 2020. (PDF VERSION)

Dinesh, Majeti Akleman Ergun, Ahmed Mohammed Emtiaz, Petersen Alexander M., Uzzi Brian, Pavlidis Ioannis. “Scholar Plot: Design and Evaluation of an Information Interface for Faculty Research Performance”. Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, Vol 4, 28 January 2020

Yang, Yang, Adam R. Pah, and Brian Uzzi. "Quantifying the future lethality of terror organizations", Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, October 2019. (PDF VERSION)

Askarisichani, Omid, Jacqueline Ng Lane, Francesco Bullo, Noah E. Friedkin, Ambuj K. Singh and Brian Uzzi. "Structural balance emerges and explains performance in risky decision-making". Nature Communications, 14 June 2019.

Oliveira, Diego F.M., Yifang Ma, Teresa Woodruff, and Brian Uzzi. "National Institutes of Health Grant Amounts to First-time Male and Female Principal Investigators". Journal of the American Medical Association, 5 March 2019. (PDF VERSION)

Romero, Daniel, Brian Uzzi and Jon Kleinberg. "Social Networks under Stress: Specialized Team Roles and Their Communication Structure". ACM Transactions on the Web, Vol 13(1), February 2019

Yang, Yang, Nitesh Chawla, and Brian Uzzi. "A network’s gender composition and communication pattern predict women’s leadership success". Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, January 2019. (PDF VERSION)

Ma, Yifang, Diego F.M. Oliveira, Teresa K. Woodruff, Brian Uzzi. "Women who win prizes get less money and prestige". Nature, January 2019. (PDF VERSION)

Ma, Yifang, Brian Uzzi "The Scientific Prize Network Predicts Who Pushes the Boundaries of Science". Proceedings National Academy of Science, December 2018.

Mukherjee, Satyam, Yun Huang, Julia Neidhardt, Brian Uzzi, and Noshir Contractor. "Prior shared success predicts victory in team competitions". Nature Human Behaviour, December 2018. (PDF VERSION) (Author Correction on March 13, 2019)

Jin, Ginger Zhe, Benjamin Jones, Susan Feng Lu, and Brian Uzzi. "The Reverse Matthew Effect: Consequences of Retraction in Scientific Teams." Review of Economics and Statistics (November 2018).

Azoulay, Pierre, Joshua Graff-Zivin, Brian Uzzi, Dashun Wang, Heidi Williams, James A. Evans, Ginger Zhe Jin, Susan Feng Lu, Benjamin F. Jones, Katy Börner, Karim R. Lakhani, Kevin J. Boudreau, Eva C. Guinan. "Toward a more scientific science". Science 361, September 2018.

Fortunato, Santo, Carl T. Bergstrom, Katy Börner, James A. Evans, Dirk Helbing, Staša Milojević, Alexander M. Petersen, Filippo Radicchi, Roberta Sinatra, Brian Uzzi, Alessandro Vespignani, Ludo Waltman, Dashun Wang, Albert-László Barabási. "Science of Science". Science 359, March 2018.

Singh, Pramesh, Jayaram Uparna, Panagiotis Karampourniotis, Emoke-Agnes Horvat, Boleslaw Szymanski, Gyorgy Korniss, Jonathan Z. Bakdash and Brian Uzzi. “Peer-to-Peer Lending and Bias in Crowd Decision-Making”. PlosOne 13(3), March 28, 2018.

Mukherjee, Satyam, Daniel Romero, Ben Jones, Brian Uzzi. "The Nearly Universal Link Between the Age of Past Knowledge and Tomorrow’s Breakthroughs in Science and Technology". Science Advances, April 2017.

Whalen, Ryan, Satyam Mukherjee, Brian Uzzi. "Common Law Evolution and Judicial Impact in the Age of Information". Elon Law Review, Vol 9, Issue 1, 2017.

Soderstrom, Sara B., Brian Uzzi, Derek D. Rucker, James H. Fowler, Daniel Diermeier. "Timing Matters: How Social Influence Affects Adoption Pre- and Post-Product Release". Sociological Science, DOI 10.15195/v3.a40, October 2016.

Bessi, Alessandro, Fabiana Zollo, Michela Del Vicario, Michelangelo Puliga, Antonio Scala, Guido Caldarelli, Brian Uzzi, Walter Quattrociocchi. "Users Polarization on Facebook and Youtube". PLoS ONE 11(8): e0159641, August 2016.

Liu, Bin, Ramesh Govindan and Brian Uzzi. "Do Emotions Expressed Online Correlate with Actual Changes in Decision-Making?: The Case of Stock Day Traders". PLoS ONE 11(1): e0144945, January 2016.

Romero, Daniel, Brian Uzzi and Jon Kleinberg. “Social Networks Under Stress” In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web. International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, CHE, April 2016.

Whalen, Ryan, Yun Huang, Craig Tanis, Anup Sawant, Brian Uzzi, and Noshir Contractor. “Citation Distance: Measuring Changes in Scientific Search Strategies”. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW '16 Companion). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, CHE, 419–423, April 2016.

Horvat, Agnes. E., Jay Uparna and Brian Uzzi. "Market- vs network relations: The role of friends in the early stages of bidding in crowdfunding." IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining Proceedings, 2015, 226-233.

Satyam Mukherjee, Brian Uzzi, Ben Jones, and Michael Stringer. “A New Method for Identifying Recombinations of Existing Knowledge Associated with High-Impact Innovation.” Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2015. doi: 10.1111/jpim.12294

Romero, Daniel, Roderick Swaab, Brian Uzzi, and Adam Galinsky. "Mimicry is Presidential: Linguistic Style Matching in Presidential Debates and Improved Polling Numbers.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, vol. 41 no. 10 1311-1319.

Saavedra, Serguei, Luis J Gilarranz, Rudolf P Rohr, Michael Schnabel, Brian Uzzi and Jordi Bascompte. “Stock fluctuations are correlated and amplified across networks of interlocking directorates.” EPJ Data Science, 3:30, 2014.

Pandit, Saurav, Jonathan Koch, Yang Yang, Brian Uzzi, and Nitesh V. Chawla. “Red Black Network: Temporal and Topological Analysis of Two Intertwined Social Networks”. MILCOM 2013 - IEEE Military Communications Conference, 10 February 2014.

Csermely, Peter, Andres London, Ling.-Yun Wu and Brian Uzzi. "Structure and dynamics of core-periphery networks." J. Complex Networks, 2013. doi:10.1093/comnet/cnt016

Uzzi, Brian, Satyam Mukherjee, Michael Stringer, and Benjamin F. Jones. "Atypical Combinations and Scientific Impact." Science 342, 268-472, 2013.

Susan Lu, Ginger Zhe Jin, Brian Uzzi, and Benjamin F Jones. "The Retraction Penalty: Evidence from the Web of Science." Nature Scientific Reports, 2013.

Saavedra, Serguei, R. Dean Malmgren, Nicholas Switanek, and Brian Uzzi. "Foraging under conditions of short-term exploitative competition: the case of stock traders."  Proceedings of the British Royal Society B, vol. 280 no. 1755 2012290, 1471-2954, 2013.

Lancaster, Ryon and Brian Uzzi. "Legally Charged: Embeddedness and Profits in Large Law Firms." Sociological Focus, v45, Issue 1, 1-22, 2012.

Uzzi, Brian and Shannon Dunlap. "Make Your Enemies Your Allies," Harvard Business Review, 133-138, May 2012.

Saavedra, Serguei, Daniel Stouffer, Brian Uzzi, and Jordi Bascompte. "Strong contributors to network persistence are the most vulnerable to extinction," Nature, 478, 233–235, October 2011. doi:10.1038/nature10433

Wuchty, Stefan and Brian Uzzi. "Human Communication Dynamics: A Study of the Agreement between Self-reported and Email Derived Social Networks,"PLoS ONE 6(11): e26972. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026972, 2011.

Saavedra, Serguei, Jordi Duch, and Brian Uzzi. "Tracking traders’ understanding of the market using e-communication data," PLoS ONE 6(10): e26705.doi:10.1371/journal.pone. 0026705, 2011

Saavedraa, Serguei, Kathleen Hagerty, and Brian Uzzi. "Synchronicity, instant messaging, and performance among financial traders", Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 2011: 1018462108v1-201018462

Saavedra, Serguei, Brian Uzzi and Felix Reed-Tsochas. "More on Bipartite Networks and Cooperation in Ecological and Organizational Networks."  In Felix Reed Tsochas and Neil Johnson (eds.) Complex Systems and Interdisciplinary Sciences. London: World Scientific Publishing, 2011.

Börner, Katy, Noshir Contractor, Holly Falk-Krzesinski, Stephen Fiore, Kara Hall, Joann Keyton, Bonnie Spring, Daniel Stokols, William Trochim and Brian Uzzi. "A Multi-Level Systems Perspective for the Science of Team Science," Science Translational Medicine, 2010, Volume 2, Issue 49.

Falk-Krzesinski, Holly, Katy Börner, Noshir Contractor, Stephen M. Fiore, Kara L. Hall, Joann Keyton, Bonnie Spring, Daniel Stokols, William Trochim, and Brian Uzzi. "Advancing the Science of Team Science," CTS JOURNAL, Vol 3 (5), 2010.

Rivera, Mark, Sara Soderstrom, Brian Uzzi. "Dynamics of Dyads in Social Networks: Assortative, Relational, and Proximity Mechanisms,"  Annual Review of Sociology. 91-115, 2010. 

Saavedra, Serguei, Felix Reed-Tsochas, and Brian Uzzi. "A simple model of bipartite cooperation for ecological and organizational networks," Nature, 2009, 457:463-466.

Jones, Ben, Stefan Wuchty, and Brian Uzzi. "Multi-university Research Teams: Shifting Impact, Geography, and Stratification in Science,"  Science, 2008, 322: 1259-1262

Saavedra, Serguei, Felix Reed-Tsochas, and Brian Uzzi. "Asymmetric Disassembly and Robustness in Declining Networks," Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Fall 2008, 105:16466-16471.

Uzzi, Brian. "A Social Network's Changing Statistical Properties and the Quality of Human Innovation," Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, June 2008, Vol. 41 Number 22, 224023 (12pgs)

Wuchty, Stefan, Ben Jones, and Brian Uzzi. "Science Commentary: Why Do Team-Authored Papers Get Cited More?" Science, September 2007, 317: 1496-1498

Uzzi, Brian, Luis Amaral, and Felix Reed-Tsochas. "Small-World Networks and Management Science Research: a Review," European Management Review, Summer 2007, 4: 77–91

Amaral, Luis and Brian Uzzi. "Complex Systems- A New Paradigm for the Integrative Study of Management, Physical, and Technological Systems," Management Science, June 2007, 53:1033–1035.

Wuchty, Stefan, Ben Jones, and Brian Uzzi. "The Increasing Dominance of Teams in the Production of Knowledge," Science, May 2007, 316:1036-1039.

Uzzi, Brian and Jarrett Spiro. "Collaboration and Creativity: The Small World Problem," American Journal of Sociology, Sept 2005, 111:447-504.

Uzzi, Brian and Shannon Dunlap. "How To Build Your Network," Harvard Business Review, December 2005, Vol. 83 Issue 12, p53-60.

Guimera, Roger, Brian Uzzi, Jarrett Spiro, and Luis A. Nunes Amaral. "Team Assembly Mechanisms Determine Collaboration Network Structure and Team Performance," Science, 2005, 308:697-702.

Uzzi, Brian and Ryon Lancaster. "Embeddedness and Price Formation in the Corporate Law Market," American Sociological Review, June 2004, v69: 319-344.

Uzzi, Brian and Ryon Lancaster. "Relational Embeddedness and Learning: The Case of Bank Loan Managers and Their Clients," Management Science, 2003, v 49: 383-399.

UzzI, Brian and James Gillespie. "Knowledge Spillover in Corporate Financing Networks: Embeddedness, Network Transitivity and Trade Credit Performance," Strategic Management Journal, 2002, v23:595-618.

Uzzi, Brian. "Embeddedness in the Making of Financial Capital: How Social Relations and Networks Benefit Firms Seeking Finance," American Sociological Review, 1999, v64: 481-505.

Uzzi, Brian and Zoe Barsness. "Contingent Employment in British Establishments: Organizational Determinants of the Use of Fixed-term and Part-time Workers," Social Forces, 1998, v76: 967-1006.

Uzzi, Brian."Social Structure and Competition in Interfirm Networks: The Paradox of Embeddedness," Administrative Science Quarterly, March 1997, 42:35-67.

Uzzi, Brian. "Towards a Network Perspective on Organizational Decline," The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 1997, v17: 111-155.

Uzzi, Brian. "The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of Organizations: The Network Effect," American Sociological Review, 1996, v61(4): 674-698.

Etzkowitz, Henry, Carol Kemelgor, Michael Neusthatz, and Brian Uzzi. "The Paradox of Critical Mass for Women in Science," Science, 1994, 226:51-55.

Davis-Blake, Alison and Brian Uzzi. "Determinants of Employment Externalization: The Case of Temporary Workers and Independent Contractors," Administrative Science Quarterly, 1993, 38: 195-223.

Forbes Column

Uzzi, Brian. "Not Sure Where To Start With Your AI Strategy? Here Are 3 Steps", Forbes, December 2023.

Uzzi, Brian. "Will AI Kill Human Creativity? What Fake Drake Tells Us About What’s Ahead", Forbes, May 2023.

Uzzi, Brian. "Twitter Is “Running A Musk". Forbes, December 2022

Uzzi, Brian. "Elon Musk Loves Karl Marx - Here’s Why", Forbes, October 2022

Uzzi, Brian. "Automation Is Critical For Your Business - But Use With Care (Part One)", Forbes, June 2022

Uzzi, Brian. "Ready For The Metaverse? Here’s How We Can Make The Most Of It, Safely", Forbes, March 2022

Uzzi, Brian. "The Bad News, Good News, Bad News About COVID’s Impact On Scientific Research". Forbes, November 2021

Uzzi, Brian. "3 Ways AI Can Help You Improve Diversity". Forbes, June 2021

Uzzi, Brian. "Making AI And Analytics Work For Your Business: A Q&A With Eric Anderson". Forbes, March 2021

Uzzi, Brian. "4 Ways To Bridge The AI-Integrity Gap". Forbes, February 2021

Uzzi, Brian. "AI Emerges As A Major Player In The Race To Find Covid-19 Therapies And Vaccines". Forbes, June 2020

Uzzi, Brian. "A Crystal Ball For Predicting Terrorist Effectiveness? We Created One". Forbes, November 2019

Uzzi, Brian. "When Mind Meets Machine: How AI Can Boost Your Creativity". Forbes, May 2019

Uzzi, Brian. "How Olay's AI-Powered Consultation Disrupts The Cosmetics Industry". Forbes, May 2019

Uzzi, Brian. "You Can Expect More Hyper-Personal AI Applications". Forbes, March 2019.

Popular Press Articles

Jin, Ching and Brian Uzzi. "Evaluating the Role of Scientific Awards". Physics 14, 144, October 2021

Uzzi, Brian. "3 Ways AI Can Help You Improve Diversity". Kellogg Insight, August 2021 (reprint of Forbes article)

Uzzi, Brian. "A Simple Tactic That Could Help Reduce Bias in AI". Harvard Business Review, November 2020

Uzzi, Brian. "Research: Men and Women Need Different Kinds of Networks to Succeed". Harvard Business Review, February 2019

Uzzi, Brian. "Research: Women Are Winning More Scientific Prizes, But Men Still Win the Most Prestigious Ones". Harvard Business Review, February 2019

Uzzi, Brian. "How AI could make your life easier this year". CNN Business Perspectives, January 2019

Uzzi, Brian. "Conversations Spark Connections as Scientists Search for Inspiration in Other Fields". Science, July 2018

Pah, Adam, Brian Uzzi and Rebecca Hinds. "A Study of Thousands of Dropbox Projects Reveals How Successful Teams Collaborate". Harvard Business Review, July 2018

Uzzi, Brian. "How to Navigate the Politics of an Innovation Project". Harvard Business Review, November 2017

Uzzi, Brian. "How Human-Machine Learning Partnerships Can Reduce Unconscious Bias". Entrepreneur, July 2016

Uzzi, Brian. “This Can Be Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon In Tonight’s Debate”. Fortune, March 2016

Uzzi, Brian. “Everyone Will Tweet About This Ad On Super Bowl Sunday”. Fortune, February 2016.

Cerf, Moran and Brian Uzzi. "How Humans Plus Machines Will Equal Amazing Advancements". Entrepreneur, February 2016

Uzzi, Brian. " Great Leaders Can Think Like Each Member of Their Team". Harvard Business Review, July 2015

Uzzi, Brian and Shannon Dunlap. "Make Your Enemies Your Allies," Harvard Business Review, May 2012.