Center for Nonprofit Management

Fundraising in Five graphic

Fundraising in Five

The nonprofit sector is consistently challenged to refine and adapt nearly all areas of operations — leadership, governance, strategy, human capital and most notably, fundraising. Yet here is what we know to be true… the tactics of fundraising constantly change but the core principles remain the same.

In partnership with CCS Fundraising, we’ve created Fundraising in Five, a video series featuring best practices for dynamic times — five videos, five minutes each, full of key learnings.


Engaged Leadership

How can our board members help us lead the way through these uncertain times?


Compelling Messaging

How do we need to adapt our messaging? How does our mission meet this moment? Why is an investment in our organization more important than ever?


Balanced Base of Donors

Who are our top supporters, and how have we recently connected with them? With whom have we not yet personally connected? How are we providing opportunities for interested donors to support us?


Transitioning Your Fundraising Event

How do we shift from in-person opportunities and events to other formats and purposes?


Sound Development Plan

What organizational values and plans are driving our fundraising strategies? What do we know about initial fundraising trends? What opportunities and new ways of engaging with supporters can we carry forward? What engagement strategies do we need to phase out or abandon?

Kellogg School of Management

James L. Allen Center
2169 Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208