Leave of Absence
The information below is provided for your convenience. Please review the detailed policies regarding taking a leave of absence in the Kellogg MBA Academic Policies Manual.
Withdrawal or Leave of Absence Petition
Full-time students who need to temporarily interrupt their enrollment for academic, personal or medical reasons may submit a petition for a leave of absence (LOA) through BidReg. Students will be notified in writing (via an e-mail communication) if their request is approved.
Medical Leave of Absence Petition
Students may request a medical leave of absence (MLOA) through BidReg. A MLOA is to provide students time away from campus for treatment of a physical or mental health condition. Student who request and are approved for a MLOA may be eligible for tuition adjustments or refunds.
Application Deadlines: Students must apply for MLOA by following strict deadlines. A MLOA cannot be processed if a student has taken a final exam or submitted final deliverables for any their enrolled courses, or has already competed at least one of their classes (e.g., a pre-term class, week-end pop-up class, or 1st 5-week class).
Application for Re-Entry
In order to resume their studies and return from leave students must submit a re-entry petition and upload their completed Application for Former Student to Re-Enter (FRET Form) to their reentry petition form.