
Please contact Nancy McLaughlin at with any questions you might have.

2016 International Conference on Computational Social Science
Hosted by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL USA


We will accept both published papers as well as those intended for publication elsewhere. We welcome submissions on any topic, but we are especially interested in:

  • computational social science in industry
  • computer-assisted text analysis and natural language processing
  • network analysis
  • large-scale experiments
  • causal inference and computational methods
  • science and technology studies approaches to computational science work
  • reproducible research
  • practical problems in computational social science
  • the ethics of computational research on human behavior
  • infrastructure to facilitate industry/academic cooperation
  • issues of inclusivity in computational fields

Faculty, graduate students, industry researchers, policy makers, and non-profit workers are all encouraged to submit data-driven research for consideration.

Submission Instructions

Contributions to the conference should be submitted via EasyChair.

The submission should include a list of authors and their affiliations, with a minimum of one designated corresponding author, a title, an abstract summary paragraph, a list of 5 keywords, and an extended abstract with at least one figure, formatted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Please give a sufficiently detailed description of your work and your methods so we can adequately assess its relevance. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by two Program Committee members. Note that abstracts longer than 3 pages will be automatically rejected.

For additional information, see Extended Abstract Template (.docx) and EasyChair Instructions (.pdf)

Abstracts can be submitted starting November 25, 2015. The deadline for submission is January 31, 2016. Notice of acceptance will be April 30, 2016.

We will do our best to have mostly oral presentations of the selected contributions, both plenary and in parallel sessions. However, since we cannot estimate the number of submissions we may accept some abstracts for a poster session.

Endorsed by

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission
31 January 2016

Opening of registration
15 February 2016

Conference dates
23-26 June 2016