McCormick / NICO / Kellogg 2018: 4th Annual International Conference on Computational Social Science

Hosted by the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL USA


We welcome submissions on any topic in the field of computational social science, including (a) work that advances methods and approaches in computational social science, (b) data-driven work that describes or explains social phenomena, and (c) theoretical work that generates new insights into computational social science research.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Methods and analyses of integrated human-machine decision-making
  • Network analysis of social systems
  • Large-scale social experiments and/or phenomena
  • Agent-based or other simulation of social phenomena
  • Text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) of social phenomena
  • Analysis of meaning through text analysis and NLP (including topic modeling, etc.)
  • Use of computational methods to map and study cultural patterns and dynamics
  • Theoretical discussions/concepts in computational social science
  • Causal inference and computational methods for social science
  • Methods and analyses of algorithmic accountability
  • Building and evaluating socio-technical systems
  • Novel digital data and/or computational analyses for addressing societal challenges
  • Methods and analyses of biased, selective, or incomplete observational social data
  • Social news curation and collaborative filtering
  • Methodological integration and triangulation of social data
  • Methods and analyses for social information / digital communication dynamics
  • Ethics of computational research on human behavior
  • Reproducibility in computational social science research
  • Infrastructure to facilitate industry/academic cooperation in computational social science
  • Computational social science research in industry
  • Science and technology studies approaches to computational science work
  • Practical problems in computational social science
  • Issues of inclusivity in computational social science
  • All other topics in computational social science

Researchers across disciplines, faculty, graduate students, industry researchers, policy makers, and nonprofit workers are all encouraged to submit computational data-driven research and innovative computational methodological or theoretical contributions on social phenomena for consideration.

In order to present, at least one of the authors must register for the conference by the presenter registration deadline of 19 April 2018.

Submission Guidelines

Contributions to the conference should be submitted via EasyChair at

Please follow the abstract template guidelines [download as docx] [download as LateX] for formatting instructions. Note that abstracts should be formatted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Submissions that exceed the 2-page limit will be automatically rejected.

The submission should include a title, a list of 5 keywords, and an extended abstract (= main text of the submission). The abstract should outline the main theoretical contribution, data and methods used, findings, and the impact of the work, whichever is relevant. Authors are encouraged to include figures and/or tables at the end of their submission (note that figures will not count towards the page limit).

For submitting on EasyChair you will also need the information about authors and their affiliations, and an abstract summary paragraph. The summary will be used during the paper bidding phase and for assigning reviewers.

Please do not include authors’ names and affiliations in the submitted document, as peer review will be double blind. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by multiple members of the Program Committee, which will be composed of experts in computational social science.

Submissions will be non-archival, and thus the presented work can be already published, in preparation for publication elsewhere, or ongoing research.

Presentation Formats

The abstract will be selected either for oral presentation in parallel tracks or in poster presentation session.

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission
4 Feb 2018 (23:59 Hawaii time)

Notification of Acceptance
5 March 2018

Presenter Registration Deadline
19 April 2018

Conference Dates
12–15 July 2018