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Former U.S. Treasury Chief Economist Jan Eberly speaks to alumni during a Kellogg Insight Live Faculty Session in May.

Kellogg Insight Live

How productivity leads to economic growth

Watch Jan Eberly, Kellogg professor and former chief economist for the U.S. Treasury, share her perspective

9/4/2015 - It’s not enough to develop new technologies and create new products, says Jan Eberly, the James R. and Helen D. Russell Professor of Finance and Faculty Director of the Kellogg Public-Private Initiative (KPPI).

To create economic growth, you need productivity, she says. “Productivity is the alchemy.”

Eberly, the former U.S. Treasury's chief economist, delves into how capitalizing on resources leads to better productivity and more growth as part of the Kellogg Insight Live Faculty Sessions held this past May at Reunion 2015.

Productivity and people drive growth: Jan Eberly

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