Global Hub Media Walls Usage Guidelines
The Global Hub media walls is available for use by student groups during special events and, through a series of rotating slides, to promote events in advance. The guidelines for usage, as well as the procedures for requesting slides to be displayed, are listed below.
1. Hours of Use
The Global Hub media walls will display promotional slides from 8am-8pm Monday – Thursday and from 8am-4pm on Fridays during the regular academic year. There is no weekend usage of the Global Hub media walls, except for pre-approved special events. Use of the Global Hub media walls during TG is at the discretion of the group sponsoring TG each week.
2. Formatting Slides
Templates for slides to be displayed on the media walls have been designed by Marketing and Communications, and are available here (.pptx). These designs incorporate appropriate branding and are customized with the colors/formatting that translate best onto the larger screen format, so only slides submitted in this format will be displayed. After creating a slide template in PowerPoint, Select “save as” from the File menu to create a .jpg file for submitting. Only files submitted as JPEGs will be accepted.
3. Design Guidelines
Since slides are displayed briefly in 10-second intervals, we recommend simplifying your message text and imagery as much as possible. Follow the design guidelines below for the slide template. These guidelines are enforced to ensure the integrity of the Northwestern| Kellogg brand and that your marketing message is legible and quickly digested.
- Maximum images per slide: 2. Maximum words: 50
- Font: Arial (PC) or Helvetica (Mac). Headline font size: 50 to 70 points. Text size: 20 to 50 pt.
- Text color: white
- Background color: Choose the color and Northwestern| Kellogg logo placement from the templates provided. (.pptx)
- Margins: Leave ample space around the perimeter of the slide. When the Northwestern| Kellogg logo is at the bottom, do not place text or images below the top of the Northwestern| Kellogg logo. When the Northwestern| Kellogg logo is at the top, do not place text or images above the bottom of the Northwestern| Kellogg logo. Exception: club logos can be placed opposite Northwestern| Kellogg logo (bottom or top), but in this position they should be no larger than the Northwestern| Kellogg logo.
4. Appropriate Content
All slide content will be reviewed for appropriateness for public display in the Student Experience Center and Fitness Center. Recruiters, corporate sponsors, executives and other guests visit Kellogg on a regular basis, so all images and text must reflect a professional appearance. Slides that include or allude to unprofessional behavior, inappropriate language, sexual innuendos, references to drinking or violence will not be approved. Groups must own or have permission to use any pictures displayed on the slide.
5. Requesting Dates for Display
Each event will be allowed to submit one slide, which may be displayed for up to five days prior to the event. Note that slides must run all day, and cannot be changed or removed in the middle of the day. The sponsoring group may select which five days they would like to utilize the atrium media wall, and should submit this information, along with their slide, to: The five selected days do not need to be sequential. Slides should be received no later than three business days prior to the first day of requested display. We regret that no last minute slide insertions can be accommodated.
6. Special Events Requests
The Global Hub media walls are also available for use during special events. To reserve the media wall for a special event, please complete the reservation form (.pdf) and submit the paper form to the KIS Faculty/Staff Support group in room L250. They will assess the staffing implications. Hard copies of the reservation form are located at the KIS Faculty/Staff Support (Room L250). The reservation form can be found here (.pdf).