Lavin Bernick Executive Chats
The Lavin Bernick Executive Chats, which launched Winter Quarter 2016, give Kellogg students an opportunity to engage with an esteemed executive or civic leader presenting his or her perspective on leadership.
The one-hour, dialogue-driven sessions will be held throughout the academic year in both Evanston and Chicago campuses. With a limited number of seats available at each session, the chats provide an intimate forum for in-depth conversations and the opportunity to connect with speakers from a diverse set of corporations, service firms, social impact companies, and non-profit organizations.
The series is offered through the generosity of Carol Lavin Bernick, CEO of Polished Nickel Capital Management. Ms. Bernick and her family are longtime supporters of Kellogg and Ms. Bernick is a member of the Kellogg School of Management Global Advisory Board.