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Off-campus events without alcohol

Required Forms

  • All off-campus events require pre-approval by the Office of Student Life; the pre-approval request form is located here. Submit your request as far in advance as possible.
  • If the venue serves alcohol, an alcohol rider and certificate of insurance are required from the venue whether or not the club plans on using club funding to pay for alcohol - no exceptions.

Venue and Catering

  • Student residences/Private residences of any kind are not permitted as event venues.
  • BYOB events are not permitted.  If alcohol will be present at a club event, it must be served by licensed bartenders who have provided specific documentation to the university.

Contracts and Service Providers

  • If you want to hire any kind of service provider for your event, you must work with the Office of Student Life (located in the Student Experience Center or Suite 1391) on a contract starting at least 4 weeks in advance.
  • If your venue provides you with any type of contract, the above instructions also apply.
  • Follow these instructions when booking transportation for your event.

Speakers and Sponsors

  • When inviting speakers to your event, follow these instructions.
  • When holding a sponsored event, follow these instructions.
  • In both cases, you’ll work directly with Corporate Partnerships.


  • Our communication resources provide instructions for event promotion on campus.
  • If using the Kellogg logo, branding resources are located here.
  • If you’d like to create a club banner, templates are here
  • You can visit the Club Coordinator in the Student Experience Center (Suite 1391) for any assistance regarding creating an event in CampusGroups.

