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Pass/No Credit

TaKe2 - Pass/No Credit Instructional Video

Kellogg students in pursuit of an MBA degree are allowed to elect the Pass/No Credit (P/NC) option to take a more aggressive class schedule or to try out new subjects. The P/NC option may be used for a total of three credits in any combination of 1 and .5 credit courses during any quarter or quarters.

The P/NC option requires students to set a target grade of either A or B. If the target (or higher) grade is achieved, the grade received will become the grade of record, will be used in the GPA calculation, and will be reflected on the transcript. If the target grade (or higher) is not achieved, but the grade received is a C or higher, a grade of P will be recorded. A grade of D or F will result in a grade of N (no-credit) and the course will NOT count towards graduation credits. The P or N grade will appear on the transcript but neither is included in GPA calculation.

The P/NC Credit option cannot be used for core courses, experiential learning courses, Independent/Field Study courses, non-Kellogg courses, Global Initiatives in Management courses, KPPI 440A, the global elective requirement (for those students matriculating during or prior to Spring 2013) and most lab classes. To use the P/NC option to fulfill the minimum requirements for a major or fulfill a partial waiver, the target grade described above must be achieved. Courses with a P or N grade on the transcript will not count towards any major nor will they fulfill a partial waiver.

For those courses which are eligible to be taken P/NC, students can make this designation beginning in Phase 3 and through the end of Week 3 for 10-week courses (and until the end of Week 2 for first 5-week and Week 7 for Second 5-week courses). Once the deadline passes, changes to the P/NC option may not be made and once a course has been designated as P/NC, the option is considered used regardless of the grade outcome or whether the student later drops the class.

To elect the P/NC option, log in to the Pass/No Credit System using your NetID and password.

Read the Pass/No Credit Rules and Directions. The system will have the courses that you are currently registered for listed with drop down boxes. Use the drop down boxes to select the course for Pass/No Credit. Choose either "A" for the Pass/No Credit option with a target grade of A, "B" for the Pass/No Credit Option with a target grade of B, or choose the "blank" selection to deselect/change your Pass/No Credit request.

Students submitting grades to their employer (i.e. for tuition reimbursement) should check with their employer before requesting the Pass/No Credit option in order to make certain that reimbursement will not be impacted.