Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2003Kellogg School of Management
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Mariana Tolovi '01 is happy to share news from the Kellogg Alumni Club of Brazil. First, Kellogg alumni in San Paulo met with the GIM trip class in March. After many meetings, in which the GIM class had the opportunity to learn about business in Brazil, everyone had a great time at the fashionable Bar Des Arts, with free drinks and food until late at night. Another exciting event occurred April 24, when members of the alumni club got together with students recently admitted to Kellogg (Class of 2005) in the Wraps, an excellent bar owned by a Kellogg alumnus. This meeting gave alums an opportunity to show the admitted students a taste of the Kellogg culture. The event was a complete success, with about 20 people attending, including students, significant others and alumni. Finally, Mariana would like to invite other alumni from Brazil to keep in touch: If you have recently changed jobs, been promoted or are just coming back home, let us know so we can give you congratulations and a warm welcome!

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©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University