Marketing planning and strategy; brand management; timing of new product introduction; strategies for early market entry; defensive marketing strategies
Carpenter, Gregory S. and Thomas C. Hayes (2014), “Khosla’s Rules: To Accelerate Growth, Champion the Consumer, Think Very Big, and Trust Front-Line Leaders Emphatically”
Carpenter, Gregory S., Gary F. Gebhardt, and John F. Sherry, Jr. (2014), “A Turnaround is a lot like baking a cake.” Bloomberg Businessweek, March 21.
Carpenter, Gregory S. (2014) “When Betting on a Struggling Company is a Great Career Move,” Bloomberg Businessweek, May 7
Sawhney, Mohanbir and Sanjay Khosla (2014), “Where to Look for Insight,” Harvard Business Review, November 2014.
Gebhardt, Gary, Gregory Carpenter, and John F Sherry. 2006. "Creating Market Orientation: A Longitudinal, Multi-firm, Grounded Analysis of Cultural Transformation," Journal of Marketing,66 (4): 37-55
Rust, Roland T., Tim Ambler, Gregory S. Carpenter, V. Kumar, and Rajendra Srivastava (2004), “Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions,” Journal of Marketing, 68 (4), 76-89.
Brown, Christina, and Gregory S. Carpenter (2000), “Why is the Trivial Important? A Reasons-Based Account for the Effects of Trivial Attributes on Choice,” Journal of Consumer Research, 26 (4), 372-385.
Shankar, Venkatesh, Gregory S. Carpenter and Lakshman Krishnamurthi(1999), “The Advantages of Entry in the Growth Stage of the Product Life Cycle: An Empirical Analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research, 36, 2 (May), 269-276.
Shankar, Venkatesh, Gregory S. Carpenter, and Lakshman Krishnamurthi (1998), “Late Mover Advantage: How Innovative Late Entrants Outsell Pioneers,” Journal of Marketing Research, 35, 1 (February), 54-70.
Carpenter, Gregory S., and Kent Nakamoto (1996), “The Impact of Consumer Preference Formation on Marketing Objectives and Competitive Second Mover Strategies,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, 5(4), 325-358.
Carpenter, Gregory S., Rashi Glazer and Kent Nakamoto (1994), “Meaningful Brands from Meaningless Differentiation: The Dependence on Irrelevant Attributes,” Journal of Marketing Research, 26, 3 (August),339-50.
Carpenter, Gregory S., and Kent Nakamoto (1990), “Competitive Strategies for Late Entry into a Market with a Dominant Brand,” Management Science, 36, 10 (October), 1268-78.
Carpenter, Gregory S. (1989), “Perceptual Position and Competitive Brand Strategy in a Two-Dimensional, Two-Brand Market,” Management Science, 35, 9 (September), 1029-44.
Carpenter, Gregory S., and Kent Nakamoto (1989), “Consumer Preference Formation and Pioneering Advantage,” Journal of Marketing Research, 26, 3 (August), 285-298.
Anderson, James, and Gregory Carpenter. 2005. Brand Strategy for Business Markets, John Wiley & Sons.
Carpenter, Gregory, and Kent Nakamoto. 2005. Competitive Brand Strategy, Wiley.
Carpenter, Gregory, Rashi Glazer, and Kent Nakamoto. 2002. Market Driving Strategies: Toward a New Concept of Competitive Advantage,
Tybout, Alice, and Gregory Carpenter. 2001. Creating and Managing Brands, Wiley.
Anderson, James, Gregory Carpenter, and James A Narus. 2000. Managing Market Offerings in Business Markets, John Wiley & Sons.
Carpenter, Gregory, and Kent Nakamoto. 1994. Brand Dominance: Competitive Advantage through Consumer Learning, The Dartnell Corporation.
Carpenter, Gregory, and Kent Nakamoto. 1994. Competitive New Product Strategies, Amacom.
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