Kellogg World Alumni Magazine

1995 — Part-Time

Rep: Kristin Marsilje
Rep: Mark Bouska

In May 2011, Joe Gordillo took a job as managing director, Latin America with think! Inc., a negotiations consulting firm based in Chicago. After only three months on the job, he was offered partnership and the VP business development position, which now has him traveling quite a bit, both domestically and internationally. His wife and daughters are doing great and keeping busy. Joe is enjoying the local Kellogg Alumni Club and, if he is around, would love to get together and catch up with anyone who comes out to San Diego.

Last fall, Tim Waldner was promoted to president of Superior Essex Communications and EVP of Superior Essex Inc. He joined the company in 1999 as the senior vice president of marketing and later assumed responsibility for product development. Tim lives in the north suburbs of Atlanta with his wife and two boys and loves getting back to Chicago every year for visits (except in winter!)

Rick Wolk is an assistant professor of marketing and entrepreneurship at the University of Alaska Southeast where he is having fun working on a project he calls the Alaskapreneur entrepreneurship initiative, an effort to help students across the University of Alaska start and grow their own business while they are at the university.

Craig Wortmann is a busy guy. His "day job" as an entrepreneur is focused on growing his consulting business, Sales Engine, which works with firms across the globe to build and fine tune their sales engines. He is also a professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business where he teaches two to three classes per term. His course, Building the New Venture and Entrepreneurial Selling, sells out each quarter and was rated a top ten course by Inc. Magazine. In his spare time, he is in the process of writing his second book to compliment his speaking business and first book, What's Your Story?: Using Stories to Ignite Performance and Be More Successful. Craig lives in Evanston with his wife and business manager, Jill '96, his two children and their dog, Mr. Chips.