Summaries of Lectures

Below is a collection of summaries of some sets of lectures from the economic theory sequence at Princeton.

  • Faruk Gul's Lectures on Classic Decision Theory
  • Eric Maskin's Lectures on Repeated Games (handwritten, pdf v1.7)
  • Stephen Morris' Lectures on Robust Mechanism Design
  • Wolfgang Pesendorfer's Lectures on Modern Decision Theory
  • Yuliy Sannikov's Lectures on Continuous-time Principal-Agent Models
  • Summaries of Papers Discussed in Class

    The following notes summarize specific papers which I presented in courses on political economy and microeconomic theory. While these are mostly synopses, some include detailed proofs, comments on typos and expositional simplifications.

  • Madarász and Prat (2010) - Screening with an Approximate Type Space
  • Acemoglu and Robinson (2001) - A Theory of Political Transitions
  • Abreu and Gul (2000) - Bargaining and Reputation
  • Piketty (1995) - Social Mobility and Redistributive Politics
  • Fudenberg and Levine (1992) - Maintaining a Reputation when Strategies are Imperfectly Observed