Kellogg World Alumni Magazine, Summer 2004Kellogg School of Management
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The newly graduated class of KH-06 saw three of our alumni make a move in June, all returning to their home country either to take up new responsibilities in their company or to pursue an entirely new career.

One such alum is David Sampson, who returned to the States after spending five and a half years in Wolters Kluwer Health's Hong Kong office as the Asia managing director. David will be living in the Princeton, New Jersey, area and working at Wolters Kluwer Health's office in Philadelphia as director of special projects.

Andrew Pearce is leaving his position as the Asia Pacific chief executive officer of TeleTech International in Hong Kong to be the chief executive officer and minority shareholder of a start-up company called BioFlow Pty Limited. Based in Melbourne, Australia, BioFlow is a subsidiary of an unlisted public company called BioGreen Limited. Andrew's role at the venture capital-funded BioFlow will be to create a business of substance with BioFlo Biofilters, a new product supported by associated intellectual property and unique supply of raw material. The product uses a system based on the power of natural, organic peat to remove contamination and pollution from water, which is essential in Australia where water conservation and management is becoming increasingly important.

Manab Chakraborty returned to India after spending three years in Hong Kong as an executive director of Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden, a nonprofit corporation which promotes conservation and biodiversity in Hong Kong and South China. He will pursue his dream --- to set up a venture capital fund for small rural enterprises along the lines of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Manab will be based in Delhi, where he advises several nonprofit organizations and government environmental agencies.

©2002 Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University